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AUTUMN sat at the back of math, lazily scribbling the work down

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AUTUMN sat at the back of math, lazily scribbling the work down. "yo, butera" she hears, looking up to see
"sid.." she fake smiles, resting her head on her palm. "whats the answer to 12?" brandt asks, making her let out a groan

"i would tell you, but i haven't done it yet" autumn remarks, making him kiss his teeth. "idiot" he mutters which makes autumn let out a scoff. "fuck yourself!" she whisper shouts as the door flies open

"sorry im late" dustin says, placing a tardy pass down, walking and sitting next to brandt. "wassup brandt, hey ann'." he says, opening his book. "took you long enough, she was annoying me" brandt says, making autumn chuck her pen at his head "bitch." brandt whispers which makes dustin laugh

"no actually can i have that back? i dont have another pen"
autumn whines, watching him stick the pen in his pencil case. "miss butera? only five questions? this isnt like you" mr trent says, looking at her book. "coulda done more if i had.a.PENN" she says, turning her head to brandt

"i dont respect that attitude, do we need to call home?"
"It wasnt even to you!!" she yells back, making the two boys infront of her laugh. "right, well fix that attitude aneleise before you get hurt and also get a bloody pen!"

"aneleise?" brandt asks, making dustin and autumn share a look. "its her middle name, but its formal so teachers use it more then autumn" dustin quickly makes up, making her smile grow. "autumn aneleise butera.. im gonna abuse that"

"thanks, 'preciate it!" she smiles sarcastically, going back to her work without a pen. "brandt give me my fucking pen!" autumn yells. "here ma" dustin whispers, passing her a pen
"merci beaucoup"

SAM sat opposite the butera girl once again, taking in the new information she was telling him

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SAM sat opposite the butera girl once again, taking in the new information she was telling him. "what so you like dustin now?" he whispers, making sure no one else can hear
"i dont know! thats why i fucking came to you sherlock" she says sarcastically

"well if you like him, theres a 99.9% chance he likes you back" sam says, looking straight ahead.
"really? how??" she says, drinking her water
"the way hes glaring at me jus for talking to you is really comcerning, he must feel something" sam whispers, slightly afraid of the curlyhead

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