77 3 0

Word Count: ~3700

Warnings: none

Apologies for the delay. I got sick for two weeks (it's like this fic foreshadowed my life...jk) and didn't want to let my writing get too far behind <3

"I feel like shit, mama," Josh grumbled, the words muffled by the thick quilt that was swaddled around him. He let out a huff and pulled some of it away from his face, tired, slightly red-rimmed eyes looking at me. "This is not how I wanted to spend the holiday break."

"I mean, it kind of worked out for me," I admitted, setting my laptop on the coffee table. "I have a valid excuse for not having Thanksgiving with my parents." Normally I'd be in our little office space but with Josh suffering from the flu, I was working from the couch or our bed. It was a difficult time with Josh feeling so rough–the poor thing was exhausted and sore, feverish with a scratchy, sore throat. At least it wasn't anything worse. Normally Josh's colds only lasted a few days and I figured the flu wouldn't be much different. A week at most, probably. And I hoped I wouldn't get sick in turn.

"That's fair. We'll see them for Christmas," Josh agreed, eyes becoming half-closed while he tucked himself in tighter in the blanket burrito.

"No–I'm spending it at your place this year, remember?"

Josh shook his head. "Not if you miss Thanksgiving. Your folks will never let you miss Christmas with them if you're skipping that."

"Let's not even think about that right now," I told him, checking the clock on my laptop–just over an hour and I could clock out. I leaned over the center cushion to gently feel his forehead. "You still feel warm, Josh. How does your body feel now?"

Eyes now fully closed, he answered, "Cold." He let out a ragged cough, then added, "But I was hot a few minutes ago so. I dunno."

"I'd really like you to eat something," I told him, brushing my fingers through his hair. "You were worried about being too big for the suit, now I'm worried you'll be too small." Although that almost seemed impossible given how small he already appeared to be, wrapped up and tucked in like that on the couch.

"A popsicle?" he proposed, blinking slowly at me. "Preferably purple, please?"

"How about a purple popsicle while I heat up some soup for you?"

Josh nodded. "Stupendous."

I stood up, taking one last, long, good look at him before I had to migrate to the kitchen. "You know, Josh–you are so adorable when you're sick. I mean, I hate that you're sick. But no one else I know ever looks this delectable when they're ill."

"I'm on the mend," Josh croaked in protest, hunkering down even more, just the top half of his face visible.

"I know you are, baby," I assured him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. I grabbed a grape popsicle from the freezer and delivered it to him before I left him to doze on his own for a few minutes. It was time to get some chicken noodle soup warmed up.

When I returned, Josh had set one of the tray tables in front of himself and was no longer fully cocooned in the blanket. I tutted my disapproval as I set the bowl and spoon down in front of him: "I was gonna get that for you. You're supposed to rest."

"I am resting," Josh assured me, but the rough croak of his voice told me he definitely needed more. He shifted to the edge of the couch and stirred the soup with his spoon, then looked at me as I sat down next to him, pulling my laptop back to the tops of my thighs. "Getting any honeymoon inspiration?"

Honestly, I was feeling too preoccupied all around to be taking anything as inspiration. The holidays were upon us, adding to stress, and I'd spent more time trying to find ideas for Danny's birthday gift than doing any actual work. "Not really," I told him with a sigh. "I think I could go just about anywhere though."

Reaching for Stardust // Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now