The Frankel Footage

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"The hell is wrong with you, Luther? I just told you the world's gonna end in ten days." five says

"Yeah, well, you're always saying that." luther says

"That's because the world is always ending!" you say

"And so far. I've been right." five grabs luther's arm

"Look, you want to go save the world? Knock yourself out. All right? I already got a job." luther says

"Wait, you work in this shithole?"

"Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place."

"You're not a stripper, are you?" you ask him and he glares at you

"No, I'm his body man."

"What's that? Like a masseuse or something?" five asks him

"Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr. Ruby."

"Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby, the gangster who shot Oswald?"

"Yeah, the one and only."

"Oh, jesus." you mutter softly but annoyed

"Well, it finally happened. That gorilla DNA has taken over your mind." five says and you laugh

"Hey, watch it, all right? Jack's a good friend." luther says

"And you're Number One. Número Uno. Remember?"

"There is no Number One. Not anymore. Not in 1963. Look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?"

"I get it, all right? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I'm sorry, Okay? But I'm asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you."

"It doesn't need me. It never did." a woman walks up to him

"Luther, honey, Jack's about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help?" the women asks

"Ah, shit." luther starts walking away

"Luther, wait." five says but luther stops and cuts him off

"Listen. You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You're the one who got us stuck here. And you're the one who brought Vanya. So if there is a doomsday coming, she's probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you." luther walks off

"Jeez, I didn't know Luther could be even more of an ass hat than before, but obviously, I was wrong." you say. Five takes a sip of his drink

"Dad should've left him on the moon." five says and you chuckle. Five gets out of his chair and his pocket rips, but when he looks there is something in his pocket, some video tape that Hazel must've given him. He grabs your hand and you go to Elliott's place to ask more questions, the walk there was very silent, but you saw in the corner of your eye, five glancing at you then you finally arrived at Elliott's place. It was pretty late so you just went into Elliott's guest room, he only had one though so you and Five had to sleep in the same room, five offered to sleep on the couch but he deserves a good rest.

"Alright, so, I'm gonna go take a shower." Elliott said he got me some clothes I might like, so I'm just gonna go do that. I'll be out in 30 minutes." you say

"Okay." he says. You go in the bathroom and take a shower and your other hygiene stuff, but when you're about to get changed you realize you forgot the clothes in the bedroom. You wrap a towel around yourself and exit the bathroom, five looks up at you.

From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 2 book 2)Where stories live. Discover now