A Light Supper

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Y/n's pov

You wake up, sleeping on the couch with a blanket on you and diego, luther, and vanya talking

"We go in there as a united front. No more "Number One," "Number Two" bullshit. From now on, it's... Team Zero." diego says

"Team Zero"?" luther asks

"Team Zero. All the way." Diego puts his fists out for vanya and Luther to fist bump him but they ignore it. You feel bad that no one was fust bumping him so you fist bump him

"The name's lame but you guys don't have to be. Could've fist bumped him." you say sitting up on the couch still tired.

"Thank you, Y/n. See, someone gets it."

"So is anyone gonna tell me what the hell is going on?" Diego explains everything. You leave and go to your room to get changed for the meeting with your Dad

 You leave and go to your room to get changed for the meeting with your Dad

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You all arrive at the building where the meeting is held and you go up the stairs to see Five already in the elevator.

"Hold it." Diego says before the elevator closes and he walks in, you walk in after him. A second later allison comes in

"Hold it." she says before walking in. Then klaus walks in

"Hey, everyone." Klaus says. Vanya and Luther walk in. Allison, Klaus, and Diego stare standing in the back in that order, then Five, you, luther, and vanya are in the front of the elevator in that order and then five press the up button.

"Good. We're all here." five says as he puts his hands in his pockets. After a few seconds, you smell something horrible.

"Oh..." allison says before covering her nose with her sweater

"Oof." vanya and five both say

"Luther!" klaus says

"Holy shit." you say before gagging and covering your nose

"Oh, my God." vanya says

"Sorry, I'm nervous." luther says

"Oh..." Klaus says, making a grossed out face. The elevator lands on the right floor and dings, when the doors open five is the first to get out and then you.

"Nasty. I'm choking!" five says walking out fast

"My nostrils sting!" you say walking out really fast after Five

"None of that." klaus says and then everybody else walks out, luther last


"All right, when Dad gets here, I'll do the talking, okay?" five says

"I've got a few questions for him myself." diego says

"Hey, we don't want to scare him off, alright? He might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home."

From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 2 book 2)Where stories live. Discover now