Chapter 10

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Mark's POV~~

(Y/N) and I are just laying on Jack's couch, and even if I was exhausted, I couldn't help but watch (Y/N) as she tried to stay awake. She looked so majestic, sitting there.

I know we are both more then ready for sleep, but I still want to go out for something and talk to her. She's such a fantastic person I could help but like her. Not like, like like her, in a friend sort of way. Yeah. Yeah that's it.

I don't want to like anyone at this point because there's a lot of my fans think I belong to them. Which I don't. I'm my own person, but I hate upsetting my fans in any way.

The more I look at her though, the sadder I get. She's stunning, she's funny, but my now nine million subscribers might get mad if I introduced her to them so early. Maybe we can do a couple of collabs so they can get use to her. Have her in some Drunk Minecraft, who knows. Just warm the up to her.

Then maybe one day I can ask her out. But until then, we can just be friends.

Yo! It's been awhile! But I'm back. Starting this shit fest off with an incredibly short chapter, but hey, after months of not writing it's going to take a bit to get back in the swing of things. Hope you enjoy and I'll update whenever I can. (This will not have a schedule just whenever it's done I'll post)

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