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Vriska's pov

"Vriska, Aranea! Come on, hurry up before I drag your asses out here!"

That was the sound of my mom calling me from downstairs. I had always hated stairs. For only one reason in particular.

"Okay, okay, we're coming!" I yell down the stairs, mentally bracing myself for a yell. When I just heard a sigh, I also sighed, but in relief. I grabbed my bags and walked down the stairs, skipping the last two steps cause who needs those? Aranea followed behind me. The night before left her a bit shaken.

Our mom took a drag of the cigarette she held. She had clearly been waiting out on the porch for a while. I gave her a bit of an anxious look as I walked by. She glared me down as I walked towards the car, putting my bigger bag in the trunk and getting in the back seat. She never let us sit in the front seat. I put in my earbuds immediately, waiting to just go already. It was gonna be a loooooooong drive, but it was gonna be so worth it. But just then, an unsuspected question was said in a soft but clear voice.

"Do you think moving will change her?"

I gave Aranea a look, but then contemplated that. It might. It might not.

"Well, I sure hope so. Just 8ecause I can get through a round of her random drunk screaming doesn't mean I like it." I shrugged, putting my left earbud in again as Mom got in the driver's seat of the car. Aranea gave me a thoughtful look and then stared out the window as we drove off.

The drive was silent other than the music I had playing in my ears the whole time. At some point, I think I fell asleep.

(Timeskip brought to you by Dave Strider)

"We're here," Were the first words I had heard from my mother the entire car ride. I looked out the window to see what the house looked like. Oh, I guess we live in an apartment now.

I got out, not even bothering to say a word to my mom. I knew she would either ignore me or give a nasty reply. I got my bag out if the trunk along with Aranea's, handing hers over to her. She smiled a bit. Aranea smiling is kind of rare these days.

When I brought my things inside, I looked around the room and noticed that the moving truck had gotten here already. Sweeeeeeeet. Not that I had that much stuff, but still. This was gonna be awesome. An escape from all the stuff I did in Indiana? Also awesome.

"You two have to share. And don't you dare complain, you little shits," Our mother said to us. "I'll be back soon. I'm going out to get food."

"Okay," I plainly replied as she left me and Aranea alone in the apartment. "That crazy 8itch finally left! Ah, looks like the move won't change a thing a8out her," I exaggerated and put my hand on Aranea's shoulder.

"It sucks how I have to share a room with you of all people," Aranea fake-sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"Oh come oooooooon, I'm not that 8ad! You're just over exaggerating."

"No, I'm not."

"Don't deny it," I grabbed a box, cutting the tape open and looking inside it. All my stuff! Yeahhh, I found it. There were mine and Aranea's mattresses, right next to the overwhelmingly small pile of boxes. Yes, we straight up slept on mattresses without a bed frame. Mom said we were babies for wanting bed frames even though she has one.

"Is my stuff over there?" Aranea asked, and I picked up my box, looking back at her as I walked to the end of the short hallway.


"Well, I was going to ask if you'd look and see which one was mine, 8ut I guess I'll just check instead."

I barely heard my sister speak anymore as I entered our room. It was empty. I put my box in the corner by the closet and then went back out to get my mattress.

Then, my room was... no, I shouldn't say perfect. It was the opposite. Mattresses without sheets or bed frames, one blanket for each of us... I could ask for more from a spider's ass and get it. My mom said no to almost everything. Speaking if mom, it was an hour now since she left.

Nahh, I shouldn't think about it. She's usually gone this long. Perfect time to fall asleep.

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