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Vriska pov because she's cool

When I had a class with Christopher, the one who bullied Terezi, I glared at him the entire time, which made him visibly uncomfortable. He even left at some point, that coward. I didn't see him for the entire rest of the day, which means he went home because he 'got sick' or whatever he wants to call it.

At lunch time, I went out to where that small opening window falls to and picked up the cane that that little bitch threw out the window. It was just fine, though, except for some scratches from the concrete. So I searched for Terezi, and found her keeping her hand on one of the brick poles that kept the ceiling from falling. She did tell me she was scared to move in large crowds.

"Hey, Tez!!!!!!!! I got your cane 8ack," I handed it to her, and she smiled at me.


"Sometimes? I'm awesome all the time," I joked, and I helped lead her to the cafeteria. "Oh, and an update on Christopher, he went home. Cause I kinda stared him down in third period."

"SO YOU M4D3 H1M SC4R3D OF YOU? TH4T'S GOOD. 4LL 1 R34LLY H4V3 TO DO 1S ST4Y W1TH YOU MOST OF TH3 T1M3 4ND 1'LL B3 F1N3," We got to the cafeteria and grabbed a seat next to her other friends.

Most of them already had people talking to them. Well, sort of all of them did, but who really cares about that? Terezi turned to talk to Karkat and Dave, which sort of left me by myself. But that was fine. I'm not much of a talker, anyway.

"H3Y GUYS, WH4T WOULD 4LL OF YOU S4Y 1F 1 1NV1T3D YOU OV3R TO MY HOUS3?" Terezi spoke loud so the entire group heard her.

"yOU WOULD INVITE,, aLL OF US," Tavros asked. I just realized he was sitting next to me. I think I might also be blind. Or it's just that my left eye can't see well since something happened to it. We'll talk about that later. It's the reason we had to move.

"OF COURS3! 1 TH1NK YOU GUYS FORGOT MY HOUS3 W4S HUG3. 1 TH1NK 1'LL D3F1N1T3LY B3 ABL3 TO 1NV1T3 4LL OF YOU 4T TH3 S4M3 T1M3! 1 JUST H4V3 TO 4SK MY MOM," Terezi got her phone out of her bag, texting her mom.

I just sat there, watching her concentrate on typing. She seems to have memorized the entire phone keyboard because she wasn't spelling anything wrong, she was just using a weird typing style. Like I can judge her, though. I use my 8's. I've always used my 8's.

"SH3 S41D Y3S!!" Terezi beamed, grabbing my hand. I flinched slightly at the sudden gesture, but then smiled.

"Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah!" I exclaimed, holding up the hand that Terezi grabbed. "I've never 8een to anyone else's house 8efore! 8elieve it or not, my mom used to care!"

There was then an odd silence before Tavros blinked at me and asked "aRE YOU OKAY,"

I scoffed. "O8viously I'm fine, Tav, why wouldn't I 8e?"

"Well, For One, You Just Said Your Mother Doesn't Care Anymore," Kanaya added. "That's Honestly Concerning."

"I 8et most of the people here don't have a sta8le home life, so me not having one isn't the pro8lem."

Terezi turned her head in my direction. A few of the people sitting at the table looked down like I had called them out, and Karkat looked called out and angry at the same time. "AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT, EXACTLY?"

"Well, just 8asing it off of how you guys all act, aaaaaaaand, most people with normal home lives are either un8eara8ly happy and optimistic like that one," I pointed at John. "or just the exact social norm."

"Well, I Understand Why You Might Think That, But That Doesn't Mean You Should Project Your Family Problems Onto Others. Especially When You Have No Idea What They May Be Going Through," Kanaya spoke again and I just rolled my eyes and looked back over at Terezi.

"I honestly don't care," I retorted, and that made Kanaya huff, and a lot of the people sitting around the table looked at me in weird ways.

"WELL OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T, BECAUSE YOU'RE JUST A BITCH. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT TEREZI SEES IN YOU," Karkat basically growled the words at me, and I just gave him a look.

"She's 8lind, not deaf, Kit-Kat," I teased him by calling him nicknames, which just made him angrier. He was about to stand up before Dave put a hand on his shoulder and said something I couldn't hear.

Nepeta was looking around at all of us before standing up and putting one of her hands/paws up (she was wearing paw gloves).

":((< vrwhiskers, i really don't think this of all things should be mewr furst impurression!" She looked over to me with her big eyes, and I just looked back at her.

"Oh, so 8eing myself should 8e a thing I don't do? How mean of you!"

"x((< just LISTEN!!!" She yelled. ":((< i thought mew were cool befur..."

"Well may8e I am once you actually get to know me, you never know," I leaned back in my chair.

"I Really Don't Think So," Kanaya replied with some tone I couldn't recognize. "With The Way You've Acted Towards Us Since We Accepted You Into The Group, I'm Sure None Of Us Think You Are."


Everyone sat in silence for a moment, the only sounds being the others around the lunchroom and the faint sounds of the louder breathers breathing. It was sort of eerie, to be honest. It scared me. I had never really meant to puke out any of those words in that order, and now everyone hated me and my smugness. If only second chances existed with most of these people.

But I knew there was no chance. Nothing I could do short-term to make these people like me again. They may have never even liked me in the first place, and had just been waiting to judge me based on how I acted afterwards.

Sitting in that seat, right there, right then, was probably one of the single most awkward things I had gone through. So I decided to take a breath and speak again.

"Listen, that's not what I'm trying to do," I started. "Literally all I wanted when I moved here was a normal life. And so far it's like this I guess."

"1 M34N, 1 KNOW 1'LL G1V3 YOU 4NOTH3R CHANC3. BUT, TH3R3'S JUST ON3 TH1NG. YOU C4N'T JUST B3 4 B1TCH 4ND 3XP3CT TO G3T 4W4Y W1TH 1T," Terezi chimed in, and I just nodded. And right then, we were all released from the cafeteria.

I walked along with Terezi, the two of us going our seperate ways once again. Honestly, every time we split up it felt like I had no one to talk to. Which I knew was nonsense, because other people existed as well. But my mind wouldn't let me think that.

My mind was the bitch here, not me. They were wrong about me. I'm awesome, my brain is the idiot.

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