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Terezi's pov

Tick... tock.... tick... tock...

I simply listened to the clock tick... and tick... and tick as my teacher eagerly talked about herself. I turned my head to Sollux and whispered. "WH4T T1M3 1S 1T?" 

He looked back at me, well, at least I think he did, and said, "8:46."

I just flopped my head back on the desk. What was the point in keeping my head up if I couldn't see? Apparently the teacher noticed. This is stupid. 

"Pyrope, can you pay attention, please? We don't take naps in this class." 

"MRS. M3G4N, 1'M P4Y1NG 4S MUCH 4TT3NT1ON 4S 1 C4N."

"Then why is your head down, missy?"


"That's your parents' problem. Tell them to get you glasses. Also, you have sunglasses on inside, that could be your issue."

"GL4SS3S H4V3 N3V3R H3LP3D, 4ND TH3Y N3V3R W1LL!" I snapped, most likely gaining stares. "4ND TH3S3 H3LP 4 L1TTL3 B1T, TH4NK YOU V3RY MUCH."

Mrs. Megan (my math teacher if I didn't already mention) gasped at that reaction. "Do I need to send you to the principal's office?"

"1F YOU D1D S3ND M3 1 WOULD GL4DLY GO," I retorted, sticking my tongue out at her. She just huffed and it sounded like she moved.

"Well? I thought those helped you. Get out of my classroom, young lady."

"OK4Y! TH4NKS FOR TH4T! H3H3H3H3H3," I giggled as I walked out the door, bringing all my stuff with me because the bell was going to ring soon anyway. I made my way to the principal's office when I felt someone snatch my cane from me. "WH4- WHO W4S TH4T? 1S TH1S 4 PR4NK? H4, H4, V3RY FUNNY. G1V3 1T B4CK."

"Why should I?" A boy's voice rang in my ears. That one guy... from last year... the one who would always bully me... oh, yeah! Christopher!! (yes i'm adding random people too because some of them are important to the plot like this guy)

"H3Y! 1T'S YOU! 1 THOUGHT YOU WOULD H4V3 L34RN3D BY NOW, BUT OBV1OUSLY YOU'R3 ST1LL TH3 1MM4TUR3 4SSHOL3 YOU 4LW4YS H4V3 B33N," I heard him sigh, and then footsteps walking away. I realized what was happening and followed him.

"What do you want?" He asked. This guy was... either stupid or just straight up a horrible person. Then I remembered, we were on the second floor. Oh.

"DON'T DO WH4T 1 TH1NK YOU'R3 DO1NG!" I grabbed his shoulder and he just shoved me off, causing me to stumble back. Then, he poked me with my cane hard enough to make me fall to the floor. If only that had never happened.

"Don't tell me how to live my life until you can live your-"

He was cut off by the bell ringing, and he just ran off. I heard his footsteps rapidly leave, and I just sat there by the lockers where I had fallen, defeated. Then I heard another familiar voice. I am so sick of familiar voices for today!

"Terezi? Are you okay? What happened?" A better voice. The best voice to hear right now! The new girl, Vriska's!

"TH1S ON3 K1D D3C1D3D TO T4K3 MY C4N3 4ND RUN OFF W1TH 1T. H3 PROB4BLY 4LR34DY THR3W 1T OUT TH3 W1NDOW..." I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I want his name."


"Christopher what?"


Vriska helped me up, keeping hold of my hand after I actually got up.

"WH4T 4R3 YOU PL4NN1NG ON DO1NG?" I asked, sort of scared, but he deserves anything he gets from her.

"Oh, you'll see," She replied, letting go if my hand. "Can you find your way around without the cane for a little 8it?"


"Good. Now I'm gonna go kick some worthless disgusting rat's ass. 8ye!" Vriska ran off to her next class I think, leaving me to go to my own.


It was winter. We were in my mom's car after we all four had snuck out. I thought I was being cool by joining these losers, but I wasn't. It had been fun, but it could have been better.

All of us except for the one who couldn't drive because I was too young were at least a little drunk, and I didn't drink a thing that night. Alcohol tastes gross, plus, I promised my parents I'd never drink. And I kept my promises.

When we got to a deserted street, the one who was driving thought it was a good idea, since it was late and there were no other cars, to go as fast as the car could go. It was fun for the most of the time. It felt like a really fast roller coaster. Until we reached near the end of that street, slipping on the frozen road into a much more busy street where a car hit fast into the back left side where I was sitting, making both cars basically spin until to my luck, my side also hit a tree after being spun again by a speeding pickup truck.

My eyes stung bad. That's what I remember. My eyes... they hurt like hell... I rubbed them only to make them hurt even more, realizing there was glass in them. My vision blurred. It was red. Everything was the color of my blood. I picked the glass out of my eyes, trying to blink to see. It didn't work. I panicked. I couldn't hear my voice when I yelled for help. That's all I remember before I passed out.

|flashback over|

If I would have never been stupid enough to join their group, my eyes would still work normally. I wouldn't be bullied by everyone because I was basically blind. I made my way to my band class, depending completely on my senses of smell, hearing and touch. I closed my eyes to make it easier.

I heard a couple of snickers as I walked through the hallway and down the stairs that I almost fell down.

What is with my luck today?


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