Chapter 3

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[Sad Girl: yaeow: Nightcore Version: Video created by Aito - Kun]

Hermione slammed the book shut angrily with as much care as she could, to no avail, when she saw Malfoy laughing with his friend, completely unbothered about what he did at the beginning of class to Ron.

The entire class jumped at the sound and turned to face her, but she ignored those stares as she watched Malfoy with fuming anger she tried her best to cover, but just couldn't.

No one made her as angry as he did and she found that confusion so annoying. She never felt so confused in her life as to why she got so temperamental towards someone.

Hermione looked away when Draco turned to her and made sure her actions would tell him to not approach her for a while. As she left the class, she heard quick footsteps behind her and she knew he didn't get the message. 

Stupid git.

She walked a few steps when she felt his hand wrap firmly around her wrist. She held down her anger as she stopped and turned towards him, her wrist still held by his hand, but more gently now, allowing her to pull away if she wanted to.

She didn't.

Hermione looked down at his tie, avoiding his eyes, her anger ebbing away to a forlorn sadness. She felt his gaze on her as she waited for him to speak. When he didn't, she asked, "What is it Draco? What do you want?"

Draco almost flinched from how cold she said it. "What I want? I want to know why you're mad at me," he replied, without any of the disdain, just curiosity. 

She pried her hand away, and wrapped it around the book with her other arm, which was holding the textbook. She looked up at him to see a confused and upset look on his face. 

She sighed and said, "If you are nice towards me, you should accept Harry and Ron as friends too, not as people you can mess around with."

The look on Draco's face was one of realization as it dawned on him after a moment of confusion as to what she was talking about. He sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and she felt a guttering sensation in her stomach which made her flush a soft pink.

Draco placed a gentle hand on her chin and tilted her head upward for her to meet his eyes. He was not liking how her uneasiness about what he did was making him feel guilty about it.

He sighed and said, "I tried to make friends with Potter, back in first year, because my father told me to. And Weasley, you know what is going on between my father and his. I can't do anything more than insult him. If I make him my friend, my father would disown me."

He watched as her eyes flicked from his left eye to the right, processing what he said. She gently took the hand that was holding her chin in his, and said, "If you can't be his friend, at least don't say anything. It's not like your father would ask in every letter he sends, 'Well Draco, did you call that Weasley a slug today? As a gift, I shall give you a million galleons.' now would he?"

Draco gave a light chuckle and felt his cheeks slightly warm up when he heard his name fall from her mouth, despite her imitation of his father.

Before anything more could be said between them, she pulled her hand away from his, and Potter and Weasley emerged from behind Draco, glaring at him as they stood on either side of her as though they were her personal bodyguards and said, "Well Malfoy? Have you got anything more to say? Like calling her a mudb-"

Before Harry could finish, Ron slapped a hand over his mouth and glared at him. "Watch it, Harry. You should know not to say such abusive words, even if you're not insulting them."

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