Chapter 4

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Parvati settled her curls softly one last time before setting the comb on the dressing table, admiring her work.

Hermione's eyes were still gently closed shut, on Lavender's command, and finally, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, urging her to open her eyes.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she gasped softly. She touched her cheek gently, her nails done in a simple, yet beautiful way, giving off a look of neatness and femininity. Over her amber eyelids was a black line like that of a cat eye, making here eye shape and green-tinted irises more prominent. Her lips shone from the clear gloss applied onto her lips and her beauty spot under her right eye was black and perfectly round as ever.

Her curls were flowing down her back in beautiful auburn-red waves till just over her hips. She was wearing the most beautifully made dress she had ever seen on herself, even if it was a lot shorter than any she had ever worn. 

She wore a wool off-white sweater, tucked into a black skirt that went mid-thigh, shorter than any she had ever worn. The sweater had loose sleeves, revealing the black long-sleeved shirt she wore inside for extra warmth.

She wore transparent black stockings that covered her legs and feet, which were clad in knee-length black socks and black boots with thick two-inch heels.

Hermione loved her outfit.


Draco looked down at his watch as he sat on one of the staircases that led to the entrance hall. People were gathered around in groups, and chatter filled the air and echoed against the walls of the huge room. He held a bag in hand, something that he had bought the other day for Hermione.

Draco was nervous to the bone. He didn't know how she would react to the gift, to the day that he had planned out for them, and how she would be dressed. He loved how comfortable she was in whatever she wore, which was what made her so original and unlike any other girl he spoken to, let alone seen.

It was almost time for Filch to scan everyone's carry bags so that they could leave for Hogsmeade. Just as he stood up to greet someone he recognized, a Ravenclaw guy he had recently begun talking to, a gentle voice said, "Hey, Draco. Sorry I didn't come sooner. Parvati was-" Draco smiled and turned when he heard her as she continued to ramble about her being late. When he finally looked up, his jaw dropped.


Any other coherent thoughts had left his mind, when his eyes skimmed over her body, taking in the transparent black stockings that outlined her legs, her cute sweater and her beautiful auburn curls that fell freely for everyone to see.

He was proud of her because she had let her insecurities go, allowing her whole beauty to bloom before the world, leaving them stunned silent.

A lot of the chatter had died as Hermione walked into the entrance hall, beaming a beautiful smile, blushing a beautiful red at the sudden attention gained from onlookers. She stopped her rant, tucking a strand behind her ear as she looked down at her feet, clad in black boots.

She looked up at him and her lips parted, glancing over him quickly and blushed deeper as he said, absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck, "You look....beautiful, Hermione."

Hermione replied, "Thank you. I could say the same about you." Realizing what she said, she ranted, "Not beautiful, obviously. I mean, you're not a girl, you're a boy and people don't call-"

Draco chuckled bemusedly and walked towards her and stopped when they were almost a foot apart. He was close enough to smell her scent. She smelt of a mix of cinnamon and vanilla. He was usually a chocolate guy, but he had come to realize that cinnamon had begun to be his favorite scent.

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