Chapter 6

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[A/N: "Beauty and A Freak" by John Michael Howell (Nightcore Version). Video created by Kirito.]

Hermione's eyes fluttered open and closed tight again when the glaring sun bored into her painfully. She gave out a soft whine, a polite indignation to get up, but she knew she had to anyway.

After a few moments of lying there, on a very soft bed, under black silk sheets-

Silk sheets?

She rose up from her laying down position, taking in her surroundings. Where was she?

She knew - being a human after all - that she was in a master bedroom - more like a god's bedroom, from the size of it - covered in green wallpaper, black furniture, the bed covered in black silk sheets, her person changed into an extremely large green button up silk shirt, her legs bare and only wearing extremely short shorts that you couldn't even see due to the obnoxiously long length of the button up shirt, her hair unusually smooth in it's rivulets of auburn curls, and the scent of a cozy expensive cologne in the air.


Mingling with the cologne, she could smell scrambled eggs and some coffee being made. She stretched out her arms and remained there for another better part of a minute when she finally swung her legs over the side of the large bed and stood up. She looked up to see a fancy mirror before her, and took in her hair, which was now quite the mess - most likely from her tossing and turning, but she didn't think she did because her sleep was so much more peaceful than any of her nights before - and her face, her makeup wiped clean.

She didn't mind. The makeup was starting to bother her anyway.

Hermione followed the scent of the food being made, opening the door of the bedroom and walking out through a hallway covered in paintings of intricate landscapes and finally, reached the end at an archway, which opened to a lit fireplace opposite her, a living room bigger than the hall where she ate her meals at the orphanage, with a large black rug covering the major part of the floor between the fireplace and two black velvet couches, one couch's, as long as the fireplace's mantel, back facing her and the other couch's side facing her to the left of the fireplace, a love seat.

To the right an archway led to a window where sunlight fell through the glass panes, and below it, a black marble counter stretched to the right where, she assumed, was the rest of the kitchen and the food being cooked.

She stepped into the kitchen to see a tall, handsome, blonde boy placing scrambled eggs into a plate and, at the same time, reached at an angle to his right and opened the refrigerator, taking out a jug of some juice - she came to a conclusion of it being pumpkin - .

Hermione walked towards him and Draco turned, smiling down at her. "'Morning, sleepy head. Didn't know the bookworm loved her sleep so much," he said playfully, and Hermione let out a short laugh.

"Please, people and their first impressions." She gently placed a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to lean against the counter to allow her a good view of the food.

Her mouth watered.

Scrambled eggs, pancakes with maple syrup and a sprinkle of berries on top, toast, and some  pumpkin juice. She looked up at him with a grateful smile and said, "You didn't have to. I was-"

"I thought you would be hungry and - you slept through it - breakfast's over in the hall," he interrupted, not taking any excuse she was throwing his way.

She huffed exasperatedly, "You seem to love interrupting me, don't you?" She peeked through the corner of her eye as she took the plate and he chuckled, amused.

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