Chapter 5

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[A/N: "Lead You Home" by Eduardo Rayez (Nightcore Version). Video created by Lilith.

WARNING: There will be mentions of some gore that is not very explicit and not very disturbing. However, to those who face problems with such content, this warning is for you.]

Hermione did not know where Draco was taking her, nor did she know why as he took her hand in his gently, loosely holding onto it in case she wasn't comfortable and wanted to let go. She almost sighed in admiration when she realized how much he cared about her.

She felt something warm and fuzzy in her stomach whenever he smiled at her, talked to her, or even looked at her with those beautiful grey eyes when she laughed.

She couldn't recognize it at first, this feeling of warmth and comfort because she had never felt like this before. It wasn't any romantic feelings of any sort - it was too soon for that, she knew, and she didn't even think that he would ever feel the same way even if it was - but rather more, safer. That must be what she felt.

Safe. Protected. Cared for. 

However, when Zabini spilled about what Draco had thought of her, any sort of safety she felt had dissipated. And it hurt. 

Even though she acted indifferent about it, smiling at Draco, all she wanted to do was shove him to the ground to make him hurt as much as he did to her if not more and cry, relieving the painful throbbing she felt. It hurt so much more than she thought it would but she knew if she hadn't turned and walked away, she would have broken down in tears right then and there.

It was amateur, immature, and childish of a fourteen year old girl to do, but she couldn't care less because she had trusted him. She had pure hope that he would be the one friend who understood her, who cared. She then realized that it had probably been too soon to trust someone she used to despise and who didn't generally like her as much as she did since they had only had a few conversations which people would render normal and casual.

Even then, the fact that he had went behind her back and spoke ill of her when she thought of him as a friend and not enemy made her stomach churn uncomfortably. Just like everyone else.

Draco took her down a street that was quiet and free of any wandering students. She had thought he was taking her to a store to buy something for her, even though nothing he gave her would make her forgive him, but instead he continued on, letting go of her hand as he walked a few feet ahead of her, giving her some space.

It upset her that he thought she didn't want him to be there.

Despite hurting her feelings so much it physically hurt, and her wanting to hate him like she used to but couldn't, - she had come to realize she never actually did hate him, just resented him more like - seeing him so affected by what had happened, what Zabini had said and how she had reacted, pained her worse than what he said in her absence did.

They walked on until they reached the very end of Hogsmeade where clusters of trees stood, their branches coated layers deep in glistening snow, so close to one another they entwined with one another like arms protecting visitors and inhabitants from the sun's harsh rays.

A few feet from the cluster of trees Draco stopped and turned to Hermione, watching her as she walked towards him. She stopped less than a foot away from him, and looked up at him, waiting for him to speak as he looked down at his feet.

Finally, he looked up, gazing into her eyes with his beautiful stormy grey ones as he said in a voice that cascaded over her in the form of comfort and warmth, "Do you trust me, Hermione?"

His voice was etched with hope and fear. Fear that she didn't trust him, and hope that she did. A moment of silence passed between them until she leaned forward, went on her toes - she knew she risked spraining her ankle terribly if her balance was not right since she was wearing boots with heels, but she couldn't find herself caring - and kissed him gently on his cheek. She had placed her hands, which were bare of any gloves, on his chest as she reached up to his face, and she felt the rhythmic beats of his heart underneath her palms.

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