Birthday fools

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Preface for the start of the story:
It's Cody's birthday! But everyone forgot..or is it only a joke on him? Only one person remembers and shows up
The characters shown in this oneshot are the ages 18-19 (according to google all of the gen 1 cast would be 18-19, I might be wrong though !!)

Cody's POV

I jumped out of bed and when to my calendar, a red circle marked the date 1st of April. It was April fools day but more importantly my birthday!

Drawing a smiley face in the circle I went to get on my outfit for the day. Opening my drawers I pulled out light jeans and my usual shirt's. Just as I finished putting on my yellow top, my mum called me down for breakfast.
Stretching my back I went into the kitchen seeing my mother just finished with her own food.

"Morning mum!" I greeted her and grabbed my cereal she had made.

"Yeah hello-" she didn't finish her words as she went to grab her coat after a slight kiss on the head. Before I could say anything else she was out the door.

"Oh-" I laughed into my food. She's probably just busy! I'll see her later anyways.

My mood wasn't going to be turned by a small mistake. Hopping off my chair I made my way to my father's office. Knocking on the door I walked in and saw nothing..where was he?

Sighing I walked back to my room looking for my party decorations. I had most of the island cast coming over at noon and I need to set up.

Skipping around the house I put up the 'Happy birthday' banner without any issues and then I put down some other decor. Looking at my master designing skills from the end of my couch I was feeling much better. Then I remembered that I told my parents I would make my own cake this year, so off to the kitchen I went to start with that project.

After gathering what I needed I realised that we just barely had the right materials for the cake. Taking a bowl from the cupboard I poured in the cake mix from the box, reading with it said to do I tried to follow them almost correctly. But I few egg shells and a few shirt stains later, I finally was ready to put it into the oven. Once everything with under control and in the oven I just noticed how messy my shirt was.

I groaned "really?-" just before I took off both of my shirts, both were dirty both needed a wash. Clearing the bench from trash I went to the laundry chucking my dirty clothes away then I made my way to my room to find a new shirt.

Sadly one of the only nice shirts I had was a button up. Toughening up I put in the uncomfortable shirt along with a spare jumper I had gotten the year before. Walking back down to the lounge room I checked my messages, all the 'be there ' and 'of course I'll come!' messages were the first ones I saw as I check who was supposed to be coming. Gwen, Trent, Bridgette, Geoff, Harold, Owen, Izzy, and Eva had all told me that they were coming.

Leaning into the couch I looked at the time 11:06. They'll be here soon I need to make sure everything is right! I jumped up from the couch and bounced around the house looking at the decor and remembering to take out the cake from the oven. I finally was happy with how everything was!

The time was around the set time everyone said they were coming at so I sat around the bench, kicking my feet as I waited for everyone to show.

Half an hour of waiting later I got confused deciding to message once more, after sending everyone a text I put my phone down and continued to wait.

An hour late..they were all an hour late. My face was heated I could feel myself getting upset but I didn't want to cry, not on my birthday.

I had given up on trying not to try and a half hour later I was crying on my table. Tears flooded out of my eyes and onto the table, they forgot. They forgot again.

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