First story (not requested)

286 3 4

12 am
Noah's POV

I finished talking on the annoying group chat for the night, and I had just gotten into my pj's, Izzy got them for me so I was nice enough to keep them. I laid down on my bean bag and started watching movies on my tv. I was happily watching one when, I heard a loud knock on my door along with whining from my roommate, Cody Anderson. Slowly I got up and walked to my door, when I opened it up seeing Cody looking at me, I could tell he had drunken alcohol by his smell.

"Let me guess you have a headache?" I rolled my eyes as he nodded then fell onto me, wrapping his arms around me. "Okay, I am not doing this" I pushed him off me and tried to close the door but, he stopped me.

"Pleaseee I can't sleep with the demons in my room" he whined.

Noah no but he's so sweet like this no you don't care about him just shut the door and leave.

I sighed and opened my door as I did he wobbled in tiredly standing near my beanbag. I walked over and sat down looking up at him. "You can't have my beanbag" I stated as I went back to my movie.

As I did Cody started to whine, "can I have one hug pleaseee."

"No I wanna sit here and it's too small for the both of us" I argued.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, until he finally got me tired of hearing his voice.

"Okay fine come here" I patted my lap and he came happily on to me like a cat. Stupid boy.

He started cuddling me and calmed down as I watched the movie feeling my stomach fill with butterflies. Ugh I wasn't used to the feeling of it.

The movie was about half way done when I noticed that Cody was asleep and I couldn't move.

"This bitch really did that" I rolled my eyes and just wrapped my arms around him while the movie was getting interesting.

I stared at the screen until a kissing scene came on and I turned away. I looked down at Cody and his light brown hair and face in my shoulder. Ugh why is he so cute- I mean annoying. I put my chin on his head and his hair which was suppringly soft, I honestly thought he didn't wash it. I kept my head there for a bit and my eyes felt droopy so I unconsciously grabbed Cody and moved him closer and I fell asleep.

In the later morning

I woke up to the sun coming through the gap in my curtains. As the sunlight hit my face I covered my eye and then remembered the male in my lap. I felt his hair under my chin and it was warm from the Sun. A smiled spread across my face but I tried to get up, I couldn't. But I honestly didn't care and was too tired to even try to get up.

Sitting was the only thing I could do, until he stirred in my lap rubbing his head on my chest. After a couple moments of doing that, Cody started to get up and looked me in the face. I forgot I had my arms around him until he pulled them forwards and I went with them going a bit closer to Cody's face then I was comfortable with.

"Morning No-*yawns*-ah" he greeted me.

"Morning dude" I yawned after talking with made Cody laugh.

"You sound cute when you yawn" he smiled and kissed my cheek before he moved my arms and got up.

I sat there for a bit wondering why he did that, I touched my cheek and felt it heat up. Not wanting to sit there for to long I shook my head and got up quickly and went down stairs to make myself a cup of coffee.

Quite short but I find it nice lol byee

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