Chapter 9

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"Are you trying to get me killed?"


Sheela shook her head "No Vulcan but we are about to become something.. I don't even know what will happen to us" Sheela let out sigh and whispered "I know you know this place like the back of your hand, tell me where this room is" Vulcan let out some sort of grunt, before it was silent. 

"Please Vulcan...we might as well be dead if we let them take us" Sheela voice was void of any emotion, it looks like she's already come to terms with it; death. I think I'm there too, I would rather die then let Roman keep me by side as a prisoner, possibly be some sort of breeding machine. I shivered at the thought, I would jump off a cliff before I had any kind of child with him. 

I looked at Natalia and also looked the same, all 3 of us would rather die. 

Vulcan groaned "You guys..." Vulcan seemed to be debate with himself as Sheela looked at the watch on her hand "We're running out of time Vulcan" Every minute counts, we all know as soon as Adam tells them where we are it will take them less than 5 minutes or less to get here. "Fine" Vulcan sighed "I really hope you guys know what you're doing, messing with magic like this comes at a price. It's not reversible" Vulcan warned us, when we all said nothing Vulcan continued. 

 "That was my last warning to you all, once it's done don't come crying to me because this is me saying i told you so" Vulcan cleared his throat "Sheela give me your eyes" Sheela closed her eyes and when she opened then they were bright blue "I can now see what you all see" Vulcan said through the phone as Sheela's head moved around the room. 

"All room have a door that leads out of this room, like a trap door or something" Sheela's head moved around rapidly before they stopped at the walled up fireplace. "Not visible to the naked eye" Sheela stood up and walked to the fireplace. "Sheela touch the sides of the wall there should be a button" Sheela quickly followed his instructions and mumbled something as she found the button. 

"8 minutes" Natalia voice made me jump as a sombre look crossed her face "We have 8 minutes

"Like I need that kind of pressure" Vulcan snapped over the phone "I'm working as fast as I can" Sheela let out a gasp "Found it" With a click, the walled up fireplace opened up, revealing a dimly lit path. 

"I suggest you basically run down the end of this path and take a left when you get to the end. Don't take a right, or you will die and very very painful death" We didn't waste any time as Sheela jumped down first, Natalia followed and me last. 

The walled door slammed shut, "Oh yea once you're in here you cant go back.. chop chop run"  all three of us ran for our lives, adrenaline pumped through my veins as all that can be heard was our feet hitting the ground, and our heavy breathing. 

"When I mean painful death, I mean a pit full of snakes-well  demonic like snakes from the pit of hell that literally wil r-" "Shut up!" Sheela snapped as we could see the path dividing into left and right. "Just trying to lighten the mo- this left now!" Vulcan snapped as all three ended up bumping each other taking the left. 

"Now once you go straight there is a hole in the floor, but there will be 3. You need to get into the one that smells like sulphur.. the other 2 holes will smell putrid and I'm sure I don't have to tell you what's down there" Vulcan warned as Sheela looked at her watch "We have five minutes" 

"Better get a move on ladies

Cold air whipped around us, I ignored how numb my face became and how noticeably cold it got the deeper we went in. Sheela came to a sudden stop and looked at the floor, her bright eyes squinted at the floor  "Well that's a bit strange... where are they?" Vulcan sounded confused as Sheela looked at the floor that had a light layer of sand over it.  

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