Chapter 2

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It seemed our silence was making him angry "Nothing to be scared of, just come with me and you'll be safe" Ray almost purred as he stopped pacing and waited for a response, when none of us spoke Rays lip lifted into a smile, as he took a couple of steps back and moved to sit on the floor.

"I want to play a game...won't you play with me"


Summer shook her head, and lifted the locket in her hand and took a deep breath in before she had this determined look on her face, oh no.  Summer moved her other arm my waist and held onto Natalia's hand "Fuck you" Summer spat, and just like that whatever was hiding us became undone, I watched as Ray's eyes widened and in awe he slowly stood up as he slowly eyed all three of us. 

"I was just guessing.. I didn't think.. I didn't actually think there would be Females here" He muttered under his breath, his gaze locked with mine as it slowly trailed down my neck and stopped at Romans mark "Taken" He looked confused before his own eyes widened in realisation "Runners. You ran from the other side" suddenly looking alarmed before his eyes flashed pure white "Look.. just come with me.." Ray held out a hand and took a step towards us. 

" I don't think so you prick" Summer snarled back and smashed the locket against the tree, a high pitch sound echoed around us, I winced at the sound  as the tree started to glow and a barrier shot up from the ground. Ray's face twisted in panic before pure sheer anger took over is features as he started to run towards us. I flinched at his roar "NOOOOOO" as his running figure started to blur and just like that he was gone. 

I held onto Summer and Natalia  tightly as the wind blew fast around us, I closed my eyes and opened them once it stopped. I let out a shaky breath as I slowly opened my eyes and blinked away the blurriness. I let my grip loosen on th girls who were also doing the same. As I looked around the room- I say room but this place is literally a house. This place looks exactly like Leah's house, I looked at the fireplace- no this place is Leah's place just on the other side? The only thing that's different is the walls. They were bark. 

I blinked as I looked at Summer who looked just as confused, I pointed at the wall- well bark  "Summer are we inside the tree?" I said hesitantly, if we're inside the tree  then that means, I looked at the covered window "does that mean.. Ray is still out there?"  Summer gulped as she clenched and unclenched her hands. "i'l-I will check" Natalia stuttered as she shakily walked to the window, she stood on her tiptoes as she slowly opened the curtain. Natalia let out a yelp as she quickly closed the curtain and stumbled back. 

"I-I can see him"  I tensed as I looked at Summer who was already walking towards the window, she took confident strides but she faltered at the last second before she opened the curtains. Summer let out a strangled gasp before she pulled herself back together, "I don't think Leah would make this place.. and not you know.. have some sort protection. I guess there's only one way to find out" Summer gulped as she placed her shaky palm on the window. I looked at her with wide eyes and put my hands up in a surrender motion as I slowly walked towards Summer "What are you doing Summer" my voice shook, as I stopped when Summer shook her head. 

"I'm checking to see if we're safe or not" Summer put her hand into a fist and started knocking the glass, my heart jumped as Natalia looked like she was about to faint from this scene and to add fuel to the fire "Oi you bastard!" Summer shouted from the top her lungs and bashed her fist against the window. My poor fucking heart, I don't actually know how much it can take. "Stop" Natalia whispered shouted as she moved towards Summer, as she put her hand on her shoulder Summer, started to tap the window. 

"Look" tap, tap, tap, her nail repeatedly against the window "he can't hear us, look" Summer motioned for me to come to the window, I took slow steps towards Summer who held the curtain open. I jumped slightly as I saw Ray from the other side of the glass, he was now standing right up against the tree, his face inches away from the window as his face was scrunched with anger. He was shouting something as he slammed his fist into the tree. Nothing shook, which seemed to make him angrier. 

Book 2 of Human: Kingdom of SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now