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Hello and HI! I'm your Author! Just call me Endless.

And I give you this book. Because I for some reason am in the mood to make a whole lot of books.

So like this will be my 12th or 11th book. I think.

Anyway I'm here to give you some info. Mainly on Y/n for this book.

Anyway let's get to it.


Y/n L/n




Y/n was born the same year as Glorith and the 2 were great friends. They eventually met Nimona and all 3 became a trouble making trio. Well more like duo because it was mainly you and Nimona who caused trouble.

One winter Y/n fell through ice and died (Will make more since on how it happened once you read the first chapter) well they didn't die completely because 2 years before the events in the movie Y/n kinda just. Came back to life.

So basically Y/n is like Jack frost.


H/C hair that fades into white. Wears a dark blue hoodie with permanent frost stuck to it and black jeans. (They found the hoodie out of seemingly no where and the Jeans they stole from a store)

S/C Skin that seems to pale near they're fingers and eyes.

Ok that's all I can think of at the moment. Anyway enjoy the book my bitches and bros and non-binary hoes.

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