1: To you in 1000 years

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Bro I made this book so long after the movie was released. Probably because when it was released I wasn't writing anything.

This chapter will have a couple Timeskips.


♤{Y/n's POV}♤

I chased Glorith up a hill, Both of us laughing as we played. We finally arrived at the well and I tackled Glorith and we rolled on the ground for a bit before we stopped.

"HA PINNED YA! Had enough?"

Glorith hit the ground twice signaling she had enough. She couldn't talk because I had her face buried in the dirt.

I got off her and she shot up and took a deep breath. She then started to laugh and I joined in. Suddenly I heard a branch snap.

Me and Glorith looking at the bushes to see a pair of eyes looking at us through them. Glorith got up and backed up a bit.

I got up as well and stared at the eyes for a minute. I then walked towards whoever was in the bushes.

New friendships form in the strangest ways.

~{Timeskip: 2 months. Spring}~

Me and Glorith ran through town weaving through groups of people. Glorith made a right and I made a left.

I cam across a empty barrel and jumped inside. I peaked through a hole in the barrel trying to spot the person chasing us.

Suddenly I was pulled out of the barrel and into a bone crushing hug.


Nimona shouted. Ever since me and Glorith met her we all have became friends.

We were currently just playing tag. Suddenly Glorith tackled Nimona causing Nimona to let out a shriek.

I laughed as I watched the two tussle.

~{Timeskip: 4 months. Summer}~

The three of us were currently chilling in the woods trying to get down apples from trees. I only managed to get 2 with my slingshot.

I looked at Glorith and Nimona and gave them the 2 apples I got.

"You guys can have it. I'm not that hungry."

Glorith thanked me and began to eat the apple I gave her. Nimona stared at the apple before looking at me and then to all the apples in the tree.

Suddenly in a blink of an eye Nimona turned into a bird and flew up to the tree and knocked down a apple.

I caught the apple and when Nimona went back to normal both me and Glorith stared in shock.


I said as I began to ask Nimona multiple questions.

~{Timeskip: 4 weeks. Still summer.}~

Me and Glorith kept laughing as Nimona ran around in her bear form with me and Glorith on her back.

Nimona rolled down a hill causing me and Glorith to fall off. But we didn't get hurt. We laughed for a bit before me and Glorith were suddenly pulled away.

I looked up to see my parents looking at Nimona in fear. Nimona went back into her human form and came closer trying to show she was no threat.

Everyone except me and Glorith gasped. My parents held me close and began to drag me away.

I began to try and pull away but my parents hold was to strong...Not long after the village began to burn...Only a couple buildings survived...

A wall was built. No one was aloud in...or out.

~{Timeskip: 5 years. Winter}~

It's been 5 years of being stuck in the wall...and since I last saw Nimona...I was now 15 and so was Glorith.

Me and her were still friends...sorta. I would ask her what happened to Nimona every once in awhile...She never says. We barley talked and hung out. But today was one of the days we got too.

Glorith was skating on the ice as I sat on a rock about to put mine on. Suddenly...There was a crack.

I immediately stopped what I was doing and looked up at Glorith to see her staying still.

She looked up at me in a panic. I stood and grabbed a stick and slowly mad my way onto the frozen lake and towards her.

"Glorith...don't...move. Don't look down. Look at me."

I put the stick in my right hand. The ice cracked again. I crept closer and put the end of the stick infront of her.

"Just grab on. And move...Slowly..."

The ice was about to give out so I used the stick to push Glorith out of the spot. She sat up and looked at the extremely cracked spot she was pushed from.

She then looked at me and let out a sigh of relief. I smiled but the moment was cut short when the ground below me gave out.

Water immediately surrounded me and the cold crept all over my skin. I heard the distance voice of Glorith shouting my name as I sunk far below.

I closed my eyes and let the freezing cold embrace me.


~{Timeskip. 1000 years}~


Ok this chapter is done. Finally. Litteraly finished this while in school.

Anyway see ya later my bitches and bros and non-binary hoes.

°•°𝕎𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣°•° {Nimona x reader}Where stories live. Discover now