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you were now lied up ready to take ur jump and the person infront of cade gad just gone cussing him to gasp

cade-thet just did a front flip, ur allowed to do that?
he asked in shock making you giggle

you-you won't do it

cade-pft you bet i won't, i don't wanna die today
he smiled at you as the guy strapped him in

??-do you wanna come over
another guy called out and you let a deep breathe out

calid-you'll be fine
calid's voice whispered from behind you and you're eyes met him as you walked off he gave you a smile

??-first time i see
the guy chuckled and you nodded

you-yeah is there a technique?
you chuckled back nervously

??-just let yourself fall is the easiest thing

you-just fall?
you asked now facing the edge and he nodded

??-or i can push you
he joked making you squeal and push his hand off

you glanced over as cade had just jumped off you laughed at his screams

??-what's your name?
the guy asked sliding beside you


??-you've gotta go at some point
he shrugged strapping himself in beside you

you-what are you doing your working
you chuckled watching as he spun facing away from the edge and towards you

??-this is apart of my job, helping people
he smiled grabbing ur hands falling backwards and you fell with him screaming all the way down

once you both reached the bottom he helped unstrap you as you caught your breathe

you-that was crazy
you laughed glancing back up seeing your dad getting strapped in

??-would you go again?

you-hecckkk nooo

calid shouted to you making you gaps in shock and stare over at him as he got unstrapped

you-says you, the worker fell with you too!!

calid-they wanted too
he shrugged as you walked over to cade calid following you

calid-my guy only fell incase my equipment failed
he replied from behind you causing you to spin around in shock

you-incase it failed!?

calid-yeah my buckle came loose when i initially went to fall and it wasn't tightening so he came with me

you-calid why didn't you just not fall? you could of died are you crazy?!!
you asked and he chuckled

calid-im right here y/n
he smiled meeting cade

cade-that was so fun!
he immediately said hitting calid's chest and soon enough you were all walking through the streets heading back to the hotel

calid-me and y/n can grab dinner tonight
calid broke the silence and you glanced over to him

calid-what i wanna try that place we saw yesterday and they got food last night
he clearly lies

cade-as long as its warm food im happy to wait inside the warm hotel for it
cade made everybody laugh as you reached the hotel

dad-i mean if you guys are offering?
he aimed the question at you and you sighed

you-fine me and calid can go on dinner duty
you smiled waving goodbye walking through the streets with calid

you-whats this amazing food place you've totally seen with me then
you waited for an answer

calid-ive seen a place you'd like but i just wanted to spend some time with you
he admitted sliding his hand into yours making you smile back

you-is it street food again?

calid-kind of?
he questioned it himself and you giggled glancing up to the pretty street lights and sunsetting

calid-this way
he muttered dragging you through a narrow empty pathway and you chuckled

you-this so isn't the way
you spoke sarcastically as he spun around meeting your body before sliding his hands onto your face

he smirked meeting your lips in a passionate kiss. you slid your hands up his shirt and around his neck falling against the wall not wanting to let go

every moment with him is more than heaven. more than enough

you felt one of his hands tuck your hair behind your ear and his lips gently tug away

your eyes held contact as you slid away from the wall backing you both out the small pathway gently kissing once more

you-you're an amazing kisser if i haven't told you before
you lifted your head to his stopping at a small green hut, dinner??

calid-you can't just say that
he chuckled as you stared at the menu

you-why not? im just expressing my feelings
you met his blushing face immediately giggling

calid-because i don't feel the same about exes the way i feel with you, this never happens
he pointed to his blushing face making you laugh a little harder

you slid your arms around his body resting your chin on his chest looking up at him

you-it means im you're one and only
you puckered your lips getting a soft kiss in return from him

calkd-decided what you're having yet?
he asked taking the menu from you and you pointed out what you wanted giving him some time to order.

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