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your glanced around at the pretty lights seeing so many people already dancing, tables of amazing, freshly-cooked food and a range of tables you could sit at.

dad-well this is pretty if only one of us actually had a partner
your dad smiled glancing over to you raising him eyebrows

you-dont look at me
you muttered and in a split second his eyes fell to cade

oh my god

cade cleared his throat slightly laughing
cade-i think we should dance
he didn't give you a second to think as you were being dragged onto the dance floor

dad-we'll find a table!!
zucci called out making you shake your head

cade-we don't have to dance if you don't want too i don't know how to follow their steps
be admitted making you giggle..

you-no let's try to copy them
you pointed to an adorable couple now sliding your hands up against cade's attempting to dance exactly how they did.

it was so magical the way they both moved, 100% soulmates. you and cade on the other hand?? a hot mess..

your chest crashed into his making you both laugh and you stepped back taking a deep breathe

you-maybe i lied we can't dance like them
you admitted about to walk off but quickly being tugged back by him

cade-what about our own moves
he offered his hand and you rolled your eyes placing your hand into his

you-blow me away
you joked quickly being swooped up against his chest dancing

his head remained high and his breathing slowly against your neck

you-so do you like my dress? i mean you brought it for me

cade-its more than beautiful y/n, i don't know if you noticed but i lost my breathe when i came out my room just by looking at you

you slightly smiled at the compliment

you-im not a fan of your bottoms tonight

he asked tilting his head to yours making you giggle

you-yes really, caki green isn't my thing

cade-well its my thing, i think im pretty stylish

you-not as stylish as me
you whispered back watching his eyes fall down to your lips

cade-your wearing the dress i picked, that's got to count for something

you-do you want a round of applause for it?
you giggled sliding your hands up and onto his chest

cade-a kiss sounds more appealing
he replied quietly making you smile

you-you're trying to steal your dad's master rizz

you got a laugh out of him and his head spun away from yours your dancing coming to an end.

you-im gonna grab some food
you smiled glancing over to see calid and liza stood by one of the stalls

you made your way over sliding beside liza infront of the worker hoping to hear what was going on

liza-oh really?? how long?
she asked getting a chuckle out of calid

calid-your very funny and totally not getting that answer

liza-too soon?

he agreed taking a sip from his glass

liza-i can always find out myself
she let a giggle out getting out of her seat but another voice dragged you away from them both

??-can i help you
the worker asked you getting a smile from you

you-i'll take whatever you'd recommended since its all new to me
you chuckled and he nodded scooping some foods onto a plate for you as your eyes fell back over to liza and calid

his back faced the bar his attention on her as she stood up infront of him his hands tangled into hers

calid-your not getting your answer
he chuckled seeming genuinely happy with her

liza-give me one good reason one why
she tilted her head

calid-its too soon you said it yourself

liza-thats not a good reason
she rolled her eyes as his hands fell out of hers and onto his lap

liza-is it too small and your scared?
she pouted as a joke getting a chuckle out him and his eyes met yours directly..

his smile dropped and you focused your attention back to the worker taking your plate

you-thank you
you put on a smile knowing exactly what liza was talking about..his dick..100% too early is she okay??

liza-what you looking at
she chuckled looking over at you as you walked off

liza-oh hey your with calid right?
she asked and you glanced over giving her a smile

you-stuck with him sadly
you gave a petty dig at him walking by hearing a laugh from her

liza-she does not like youuu

oh i love him but you're the problem.

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