Part 11

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"We need to have some discussions." Bryan said. "And we're having them now." Eden stepped aside, allowing Bryan into her home. He stormed past her, and began pacing the foyer.

"I've let a lot slide over the years, Eden." he shook his head. "We're not even going to talk about the fact I had to learn you went to a tattoo parlor from another source. I stuck my neck out for you to get you signed, and how do you repay me? You belittle two of the best songwriters money can hire and embarrass them. And embarrass me. You represent not just yourself and your brand, you represent me, the label, and everyone there."

"I'm not sorry." Eden shrugged, moving past him and to the kitchen. Truth be told, she was anxious from his angry energy, and was fixing to get a glass of water or something to occupy her hands.

"You should be, you little brat!" Bryan followed her, hot on her heels. "I've worked my ass off for you since the day we signed you. I fought for you, they never wanted to even consider you until I fought for you!"

"Fought for what?!" Eden spun around, seeing red as she looked at Bryan. "To change me into something I'm not? I came to you with my own songs, my own mind and my own voice! And bit by bit you stripped that away, and made me into this machine regurgitating music I don't believe in!"

"I made you famous." Bryan argued, slamming his fist on the counter, making Eden jump. "I took a midwestern hack from Hicksville USA and made her a world famous pop star. If I hadn't done what I did, you'd be back home with your tail between your legs working at the local bar."

"That may be," Eden grit her teeth. "But at least I'd still be me. I'd rather be a nobody playing an open mic than what you've made me." Bryan stared at her, watching her face get red from anger. Suddenly, it clicked for him, and he smirked.

"Is this Jake's influence?" he asked, a snarky tone in his voice. "You've become friends, then? Has he gotten in your head and told you that you can be anything you want?"

"He's been more supportive of me in the past few months than you have ever been." Eden snipped, finally reaching up to the cupboard and grabbing a glass.

"Just because his rock star dreams came true his way doesn't mean yours will." Bryan crossed his arms, leaning against the refrigerator as Eden opened the other door, grabbing her water pitcher. "I snap my fingers, and you're left with nothing. This house, your car, the designer clothes and jewelry, everything you have will be taken away."

"Then take it." Eden finally shouted, slamming the glass down on the counter so hard it broke, shattering around her. She ignored the stinging in her palm, and stepped forward, crunching the glass under her feet. "Take it, and leave me alone."

"We take Jake, too." Eden faltered in her dominance, her eyes widening slightly. She had hoped Bryan didn't see it, but the devilish smile the spread across his face and she knew he had her right where he wanted her. "He's contractually obligated to date you. We take that contract away, there's no more reason for him to be around."

"We on our own terms now." Eden admitted. "We don't need your contracts."

"Oh, but you're wrong, Eden." Bryan wagged a finger in her face. "See, the label that houses Greta Van Fleet is a subsidiary of us. If I think Jake is causing trouble with my biggest money maker, you, I snap my fingers and they're dropped. Back to Nashville and trying to find a label to work with them again. Which, with my connections in the industry, will be incredibly difficult." Bryan moved around the counter, going to the few lilies that were left from Sam's apology bouquet at the lake and plucking one from the skinny vase. "Do you think your honey will really want to stay with the woman who destroyed his career?" Bryan watched as the wheels turned in your head.

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