Bubblegum: Ever After

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It had been a whirlwind of a month in Michigan, Jake carting Eden everywhere, taking her to his family's cabin after a quick visit home, then to a few different places he had been dreaming of taking her since they had become official.

He planned everything perfectly, the cool autumn air rustling the bright yellow and orange leaves in the trees around them. Today was going to be gorgeous, their roadtrip would be long, but definitely worth it. Currently he was enjoying the heat of Eden's body tucked into his side, sleeping away peacefully in the chilly morning. He held her close, letting his callused thumb graze the soft, tanned skin of her upper arm. Her hair still smelled vaguely of her shampoo and campfire, the two of them having spent most of the night out at the fire pit, quietly enjoying each others company before coming inside and recreating their first night together, just as passionately as it was a few years prior.

Eventually, his awakened body became restless, and he untangled himself and gently left his love in the bed, smiling to himself as Eden burrowed into his pillow, inhaling deeply and humming in her sleep. He pulled on his boxer-briefs and his old white t-shirt, running a hand through his hair as he left the bedroom quietly.

Padding into the kitchen, he began brewing a pot of coffee. Checking the time on the oven clock, he realized they'd slept in a little later than he wanted, and started preparing breakfast for them.

"I smell bacon." Jake looked up a while later, seeing a frumpled Eden shuffling into the room. She rubbed her eyes with one hand, reaching down to scratch a mosquito bite on her calf with the other. She was wearing an oversized shirt, the logo faded from washing a few moth holes were worn into it.

"Good morning, darlin'." Jake greeted her, feeling her arms circle his waist. She mumbled a soft 'guh mornin' back into his shoulder. "Coffee's ready, go grab a cup, we've got to get moving."

"Where are we going today?" Eden asked through a yawn, grabbing the mug Jake had set out for her and pouring the coffee in. She moved to the fridge to grab the bottle of creamer.

"I've got a little trip to Mackinaw City planned for us." Jake smiled. "Super touristy, but we're gonna have fun."

"That's like, up here, right?" Eden set her mug down, holding up her palm, making Jake proud as she used her hand as a map.

"Yeah, thereabouts." Jake laughed, moving away from the stove and giving her lips a sweet kiss. "It's about a four hour drive."

"Oh that's all?" Eden sniffed, sipping her coffee. "Do I have time to shower after breakfast? Or is this a hit the road as soon as the plates are washed kind of deal?"

"Oh, we have time for a shower." Jake gave her a little wink. "There's always time for that."

"Who said you were invited?" Eden smirked at Jake from over the rim of her mug. "I'm still tired from last night."

"Yeah? That just means I've done my job well." Jake waggled his eyebrows, making Eden laugh.

"Alright lover boy, give me some of that bacon and we'll see about that shower later."


The ride up north was long, but worth it. Eden's gasps at the foliage that zipped by as they drove up the interstate was worth every minute. It was a bright, beautiful Michigan day, the air crisp and the smell of fall weaving through the branches of the trees themselves.

They'd arrived in Mackinaw City in the mid-afternoon, and Jake took Eden around the town, in and out of touristy shops, buying fudge and silly airbrushed t-shirts with their names on them for fun. The afternoon wore on into the evening, and they found a small diner to have dinner in.

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