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"Um...do you really? I mean didn't you hear me before?"

Thor gives me a look that clearly means "yes speak", it's on him for asking me...

"Sure... So um, Odin! He's a really and I mean really old guy that likes to call himself a benevolent god and king but that's just cuz there's no one left alive to tell the horrors he did to get there. He's um...pretty useless as a father let's say and has dubious morality. But his wife is amazing!"

I gave an awkward smile, I'd been as honest as possible while still keeping it all pretty soft so that I don't get Thor on my back. Although judging from his baffled and slightly defeated expression he is pretty disappointed in me.

"I'm sorry I'm just being honest here! There's just so much Odin's done and would do if I didn't change some things, it's pretty much all facade his good ruler speeches."

Tony seems about to do a little victory dance hearing me speak. Thor looks so disappointed and Loki is just in awe. The rest of the avengers just look confused.

"I guess you could say I'm slightly biased since Loki is my favorite but all that does is convince me how bad a father he is. The rest I consider completely objective observations."

The change is almost immediate, Tony is now rolling his eyes, Thor seems to nod reductantly admitting there might be some truth in my words, Loki's smirk is back in town and I'm pretty sure Natasha did the head tilting thing implying she agreed.

"Anyways could we go eat the shawarma Tony promised before we start discussing taking me to an alien planet that I've only read about and seen in movies?"

Clint frowns for a moment shocked and opened his mouth, probably to ask how I knew about the shawarma but I answered before he could.

"It appeared in the movies, but was kind of a wild guess since I've already changed some minor things in the plot just by existing. Tony, could we eat here? Not only do I not think it's a good idea to take Loki out on the streets at the moment but I'm not...I don't really feel like socializing right now."

Giving a side smile trying to make it look like it's alright but honestly I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm holding it together is because in no fucking multiverse am I letting my first impression on the avengers and Loki be a panic attack. I also feel fairly chill around them, I mean I'm stressed as can get but I also know quite well what to expect from them so that's fine...I think?

I'll manage.

"I've been meaning to ask but can I put my headphones back on, this was a serious conversation so I knew it would annoy you all so that's why I have them off but...as you can imagine as much as I try to run on dopamine and adrenaline it's all just catching up to me."

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