Chapter 7

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That night, after Bella visited his family and bonded like they used to, André watched her leave in her truck and went back into his home and to relax a bit.


André turned and saw Sebastian approaching him, he looked at him expectantly.

"Julie is back from hunting. You're up." Sebastian said.

"I'm not in the mood to hunt right now." André said turning to look out the living room window.

"You're starving, André. Your eyes are black right now." Sebastian pointed out.

"Okay. I'll go." André said as he started to walk past his older brother.

"You do that." Sebastian smirked before taking a sip of his whiskey laced with blood.


André shifter through the trees using his Shadowing Ability, he dispersed into shadowy must and traversed the area at incredible speed. The shadowy mist hit a hill and André stood in a crouch as the shadowy aura surrounded him, he looked around the area and tried to catch the scent of a deer or any animal.

But it was unusually quiet. Which meant only one thing.

"There's another predator in the area." he said listening to the silence.

He heard distant footsteps a few miles to his right, he jumped to the ground and took off running in the general direction. He sped through the foliage with little difficulty, he jumped over a log and slid down a hill before using his shadow ability to launch himself up a hill. He climbed a couple of trees at incredible speed, before he saw a blur run past him a few feet away. It was chasing a deer.

"Guess I'm not the only one hunting tonight." he said before dashing off toward the assailant.

He broke off into another direction to try and cut the assailant off, but the figure was quick and nimble but he was faster and more agile with his shadowing ability giving him the edge.

He heard the footsteps get louder as he neared the break off where he would catch the assailant, the turn came up and he crashed into the assailant and knocks them to the ground and the deer ran off Scott free. The assailant kicked him off, he quickly flipped into the air and landed in a crouch before looking up at the assailant who had a very familiar hairstyle.

"Alice?" he said in surprise.

"André?" she said also surprised and in a crouch just like him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hunting." she said getting to her feet. "By the way, you let it get away."

"Oh, sorry about that. I thought you were a intruder in our territory." he said walking up to her.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have crossed the boundary." she said with an embarrassed smile.

"Eh. No harm done." he said.

She smiled at him.

"So, you wanna hunt together?" he asked.

"Together? With me?" she asked.

"Yeah." he said with a smirk.

"I'd love that." she said.

"I think we can still pick up that deer's scent and hopefully find more deer." he said before moving forward.

"I have a scent from this side." she said pointing to her right.

"Okay, let's go find out." he said.

Alice took off first in a blur, André smiled before following after her. Alice was an incredible runner and she weaved through the trees silently, she was very quick and nimble.

"She must be a badass in a fight." he thought out loud.

"I heard that." he heard her say while running.

Then she came to a stop by a rock, he did the same as well and he smelled the air and got a whiff of damp fur and musty antlers. Alice held a finger up to her lips and started to quietly crawl up the rock, André got on all fours and crawled up the rock as well. They came to the edge and looked down, they saw a whole herd of deer and there was a large stag in the middle and he was guarding them.

"Can we make this interesting?" he whispered to her.

"How?" she asked.

"Five bucks says I'll catch a deer with no running involved." he said.

"That's too easy. We can just end the night now if you want to end thus quickly." she said with a mischievous smirk.

He looked at her and smiled, she looked at him expectantly.

"Okay. If I catch the big stag for you, you have to go on a date with me." he said.

She looked surprised by what he said but smiled anyway, she looked down at the stag and back at her hunting partner.

"That's bold of you." she said.

"Get ready to go on a date with me, Alice." he said before crawling backwards off the rock.

She watched him go for a moment before looking back at the grazing deer, she smiled as she waited in anticipation.

André used his shadowing abilities to silently move through the brush, he came to the edge of the treeline and watched the herd before sprinting forward. All hell broke loose as the deer all scattered, the stag took the biggest jumps and created some huge distance. But André chased after it before he dispersed into shadowy mist and flew over the herd of deer and landed a few feet in front of the stag and could it by surprise.

He tackled it to the ground and locked it into a hold and dug his claws into its neck and waited as its breathing slowed to a dead stop. Alice landed on the ground behind him and slowly approached him, André slowly let go if the dead deer and moved away from it.

"That one is for you." he said.

"Thanks." she said before biting into the stag's throat and started to feed.

He watched as she fed and saw how her black eyes turned back to their usual gold color, then she stopped and sat back and wiped her mouth with the sleeve off her jacket.

"Thank you for that." she said.

"No problem." he said.

"So, I guess I owe you a date now." she said looking at him.

He nodded his head at her with a smile, she laughed softly before gesturing him to feed as well. He was a bit hesitant but the smell of the blood was enough to tempt him, his canines grew longer and his teeth became sharper. He bit into the stag and fed on it with a primal hunger, his eyes turned red immediately and growls escaped from his mouth due to the euphoria he was feeling.

Alice was fascinated by what she was seeing. Her kind and Strigoi were two different species and she had never met a Strigoi before, they were way different  from them. Strigoi had fangs that grew and retracted on command, they also had claws that retracted as well and they were known for their destructive nature.

She watched him drop the stag after he completed his feeding, he echalee deeply before looking up at her.

"You feeling better now?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah." he said with a nod.

"This was fun." she said before smiling more. "We should do this again some time. But next time, something more normal."

"I thought this was our normal?" He quipped with a chuckle.

She laughed at this quip and smiled.

"You know what I meant." she said giving him the look.

"Cool. We'll just see then." he said.

She smiled.

"I'll see you around, André." she said before jumping up toward the rock that was 45 feet high.

"Goodnight Alice." he said knowing she could hear him.

She smiled down at him before leaving the area in a rushing breeze, André stood in the silence and listened as her footsteps receded into silence.


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