november 30 2023 (my half birthday!!)

9 0 1

hey wattpad

i really like this dude, i'll call him uhmmm Kasei. and by like i mean REALLY LIKE like i made a playlist for if we ever get together and added all the songs he's told me he likes on there. i try to play it when he's not around just so i feel like i have some semblance of him around because his presence calms me. i don't know if he likes me back though he's giving mixed messages and it's even harder to decipher because i'm autistic. Honestly all i can think of him hugging and kissing me while we stand in the rain. i wish his hands were on me, comforting me.

maybe i'm just touch starved or just hopeless but i just cant shake this feeling. everytime i'm with him my heart just soars.

maybe i'm just crazy

maybe i should shut up

maybe he does love me and i'm just doing everything wrong

anyway i just wish he could love me

really just going out on a limb here lol

zesty ass lol

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