11: Proclaiming Ownership

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She started by taking small risks, testing the boundaries of what she could get away with. Unlike her so-called friends, she can't manipulate the popular guys to do her biddings. That was why she started with nobodies. Ones who have lower standing than her.

She would boss those people around as if she was queen. At first, these attempts were met with indifference, but she persisted.

As time passes by... Her method gradually showed results.

People began to take notice. They would glance at her, then quickly look away, as if they were afraid of shifting her attention on them and make their lives miserable.

Encouraged by these small victories, Melanie pushed on. She started speaking up more often, sharing her thoughts and opinions even when they went against the norm. And slowly but surely, people began to listen. They would nod along, or even offer words of agreement, as if they had always known what she knew all along.

Her popularity began rising and she started climbing new heights.

But despite these tiny triumphs, Melanie still felt like she was stuck in a prison of her own making. Her fame only limit to nobodies...

The world outside seemed to move forward without her, leaving her behind in a sea of forgetfulness. So she kept pushing, it's better to start now while she still possesses every little power she accumulated.


She started dating and seducting her so-called friends' suitors. Naturally some of them were bound to give in to the temptation.

At least with her, their chances would rapidly grow.

Unlike the 0.001% chance they'll ever have with the most popular girls.


She dated an athlete who later introduced her to his fellow athletes. It didn't take long before she got along with almost everyone.

As the athletes were on their usual training, Melanie, on her free time watched them practice like a good girlfriend. But soon enough her eyes landed on the team captain. She recalled thw rumors surrounding the guy. He was wealthy and rich and have a lot of girls all over him. Her eyes shined with interest. It was time to move on to the next level.

Slowly she approached the busy captain. With great enthusiasm, she brightly greeted the guy. The guy greeted back with a bright expression. Unlike his intimidating look, he was quite friendly towards Melanie. Noticing this, immediately, Melanie made advances towards him, despite still being in a relationship with another.

And fortunately for her, he was easy. He, almost immediately, started courting her.

Soon a scandal broke out as her boyfriend started making a scene. He started cursing and insulting Melanie upon learning of her and Jay.

However, Jay was quick to make a move. The next day the guy was kicked out of the team and have his friends spread nasty rumors about him, which then later ruined his social life.

This just proves how much he fell for Melanie even ignoring the fact that she wasn't completely honest.

Melanie felt satisfied with this. Not long after, her and Jay became official. Melanie's fame rapidly grew. She finally felt like she succeeded.


They were actually still together til now. However this time, only a few people knows. Jay was always busy with sports and going to places. And Melanie never disclosed anything about them, instead, kept silent about their relationship.

That was what enabled Melanie to flirt with other guys without worry. In those span of times they were apart. Melanie already hogged up all of the good-looking guys in her class. This was possible due to the fact that the popular girls that has been outshining her before either transferred to a better institution or in a different class.

And she was lucky enough to have Ethan in her class. She immediately made a move as he might get taken away by the others.

When she saw that Ethan didn't act like a simp, a sense of excitement welled up in her. Finally someone who's not boring, thought her. Yet the guy felt quite distant, despite them always being together.

There's just this certain feeling that made it seem like Ethan was very far from her grasped, and she didn't like that. She started feeling anxious.

She doesn't wanna experience that same feeling again, no... Not. Again.

Her eyes burned with determination.

Doing everything to close in 'that' gap,  no matter what it took. But despite her best efforts, it seemed like no matter how hard she tried, it just wasn't enough. The frustration began to build inside of her, causing her to feel agitated and restless.

She started to act out in ways she couldn't explain. Snapping at Ethan for no reason, demanding more from him than she had before. Treating him almost like he was her property, her possession.

She didn't even realize she was doing it, but she was proclaiming ownership over him, treating him like he was beneath her.

But she didn't care. All she could think about was closing that gap, no matter the cost. Even if it meant losing everything else in the process.

She didn't noticed, but she began to obsess over Ethan more and more. Nobody else matters more than Ethan. She. Will. Have. Him!

At first, people thought she was just being her usual self, trying to grab attention. But soon, they realized that this was different. She was genuinely obsessed with Ethan. They started talking behind her back, whispering about how she had lost it, how she was becoming more and more intolerable. They could only feel sorry for Ethan.

However, for the first time ever, she disregard the others' view of her. Disregarded the fame she's been building up til now and solely focused on Ethan. She was growing desperate day by day...

She doesn't wanna be left in the dark again...

She feels like if she have Ethan by her side, everything will be alright... He just gives that kind of reassurance...

He looked so reliable... He looked like a safe place... She feels her heart flutter whenever Ethan starts wearing his serious face when he is focused. His calm and confident demeanor...

Most of the time, she found herself staring at him in a daze. Mesmerized by everything he does.

She finds solace in his presence...

It feels so nice... something feels fuzzy inside whenever she's with him...

She stars wondering if Ethan could ever feel this way for her. Maybe not now, but soon... Soon...

Note: You guys might think this is such an exaggeration for middle schoolers.

I ,too, wish it was :'> but, unfortunately, Melanie's story was based on true events.

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