17: Stress Ball

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Now walking with his fully charged phone to a nearby Mall.

"Phew...", sighing in relief. It's a good thing he had made a bank account. If not, he doesn't know how to defend his previous reasons. He did have cash in his wallet, but nowhere near enough.

First of all, a change of clothes for himself. Then go find a nice retail assistant for his parents' supposed gift.


But then again, he can do it himself.


what would a kid be doing wandering around the mall alone?

Is he going to pay for himself?
Where does he even get that much money?

"Sigh..." And in the end he might need to call his mom and get found out.

"Hey, kid!"

'And speaking of, there is one now.' internally rolling his eyes.

As he turned to look, his face was already that of an innocent and sweet child. "Yes, Mister?"

The man kneels down to Ethan's level and ask, "are you lost?" dripping with sympathy. "You seem to be wandering around alone. Where are you're parents?" concern painted across his face.

The overly exaggerated look in his eyes sent a shiver down Ethan's spine. He could tell from the moment he saw him that this man was clearly fond of kids.

"Oh! About that, I'm actually looking for someone!" lit up in excitement.

"Is that the person you're with? Did you got separated?"

No way his voice became a hundred times softer and contorted his face to an even more concerned expression.

"No." shaking his head. "Actually..." voice turning into a whisper, as he motioned for the man to come closer. When the man obliged, he whispered into his ear, "it's their special day, and I wanna surprise them with something." as if it were their little secret. "But I can't find someone to help me." his voice filled with joy.

The employee's mouth formed into an 'O' as if in understanding. He moved his face closer, it was now his turn to do the whispering.


"If that's the case, are you okay with me helping you?" anticipation visible in his voice, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

'FUCCKKKK!!!' this was hella creepy. But he continued nonetheless.

He eagerly nodded at his suggestion.

"Really? Now let's go~!" holding out his hand for Ethan to hold.


He froze for a split second, the side of his lips twitching. Forcing to continue his smile, he took the hand. ".. yeah!"


If there's something Ethan noticed while living with his family, it would be the clothing styles and color pallets that suited his mother and father the best.

That was why he specifically chose a lavender-colored dress for his mother, and a dark blue turtleneck shirt for his father.

He was even considering buying a whole set for his father, but the limited savings in his account made that a little unrealistic.

His father typically preferred to dress in lighter colors or shades of black. On the other hand, his mother liked to wear bright and vibrant shades of yellow and white.

While these color choices weren't bad, per se, they didn't exactly bring out the best in their appearances.

Dragging the tired/ dumbfounded retail assistant on his little adventure. Since he's already here, might as well tour around for a bit.

He ended up buying a few more items; Marron scarf, necktie, multiple keychains --wood crafts--, and a tie bar,
dumbfounding the already dumbfounded employee. '

'Are children nowadays normally like this?' he questions himself. The kid wasn't as innocent as he seem.

When it was time to pay, his eyes widened in shock. He just realized the items weren't cheap, but he was even more shock when the kid paid calmly.

'A kid like that carries such amount on him?!' he feels like he could go crazy. This wasn't the innocent and naive child he's used to.

As he was busy internally panicking, he didn't notice the child approaching him.


"...!" a stress ball... offered to him by his source of headache.

He reached out his hand and accepted it.


"Thank you for everything, Mister." he said politely, then left with his bags.

"..." however the employee remain frozen, unable to process the situation. Was this the same kid that whispered childishly earlier...?

When his eyes eventually fell back to the thing on his hand.

Squeeze, squeeze...

It didn't help much, but at least it can distract his focus.


Ethan originally planned for a stuffed toy to give to the employee. But seeing his expression throughout, he decided on a stress ball.

His work must've been tiring. Dealing with all kinds of people while staying polite, he must be exhausted. 'Poor guy.' he thought, feeling pity for the man.

He soon got into a taxi the nice guard got for him. He immediately paid the driver and stated his destination.

Waving the kind guard goodbye, as the taxi drove off.

He took note of the places they'd pass and engage little talks with the driver. Fortunately, and unfortunately, he was quite talkative.

Upon arriving, he hoped out and went to knock on the door. He didn't inform them beforehand.

Knock, knock, knock!

Then stepped back and waited.

Soon enough, he could hear footsteps approaching the door.


The door opened and,

"Gasp!" his mother standing before him, eyes welling up with tears. "Ethan..!" she immediately embraced her boy, voice trembling, overwhelmed with emotions.

"I'm home, Mom," he whispered, as he hugged back just as tightly.

They held each other for a good while, tears streaming down the face of his mother. "Welcome back, dear-" her voice choked with emotion.

'isn't this a bit too dramatic, though...?' he doesn't understand what's with this overly dramatic scene. It feels rather like a long lost son, than someone spending a few nights at a friend's house.

But played along nonetheless, since that seem to be her happiness. Normalizing mothers as naturally dramatic.


Of course after the emotional drama, the thousand question awaits him.

Immediately, Ethan's mind raced with the memories of his past and the information he had gathered earlier. Weaving them together to craft such intricate and convincing narrative.

Everything vividly pictured in his mind...

...Sometimes 'too' vivid, even tricking his own brain into believing them... That way, it will be remembered as memory...

"So I actually met my friend, Ryan, on my way home, he was looking depressed and all. So I decided to listen for a bit..." plopping down the couch, taking off his shoes and socks, as he began his storytelling...

The mother listened quietly to the excitedly blabbering child. Her eyes sparkled with interest.


NOTE: WARNING!!! The next chapter can make you go like this;

~~~~~┌(・。・)┘♪(~‾°‾)~〜(꒪ ° ꒪)〜~~~~

The Second Struggle: The Boy From The Mental Hospital Where stories live. Discover now