The beginning of the end....

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I must come clean.

I first started making these abominations in 2019. Currently I am a sophomore in high school.

If you can't do the math, I'll give you a hint: I STARTED MAKING THIS SHIT IN 6TH GRADE. WHEN I WAS FUCKING 11 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

And I also hate to be the one to do this, but I must break my silence: I was never drunk and/or high while making these. Ever. I was a dirty little liar and I am ASHAMED. Times have changed as of late, but when I was making these, I never touched a drug or alcohol a day in my life.

A part of me wants to be like "fuck it" and just randomly start making these again for the lols but another part of me is thinking "I have no right!"

And that's true. I have no right. This is a moment in internet history. A time capsule, per-say, of 2020.

Wow what an era??? Am I right?? Bunny hats, heavy makeup, performative activism, and of course don't forget how chronically online some of us (me) became during this godforsaken time.

Also it was kind of weird, yknow? Why was I, an 11 year old, (balls not have even dropped yet) writing about two high schoolers having sexual relations? Weird. (Actually I was probably like 12-13 when the jotakak one with the "advil" line got dropped, but..)

And finally, I'm not really into jjba anymore, don't get me wrong, I still love it, but it's just not my spinterest (sad I know)

Funny enough, this is the first and only part of this entire fanfiction where I was actually under the influence while writing.

Yeah anyway this probably isn't the last of me and my terrible fanfiction. Except this time it's gonna be even worse since I'm actually trying to be serious, but... yurr..... idk I may post something on my ao3 acc (sorry im a changed man.) (also my user on there is furryballsploppedmenacinglyonthetable you should totally follow me and ignore the gerandy smut)

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