Bucci is having twins... or not 💃

637 21 31

Hi y'all, I'm back with my bullshit 😍
Anyways this was requested by Jojo_Simp so here you go 🧍‍♂️

"abbacchio? Abbacchio. ABBACCHIO!! STINKY MAN!! Wake the fuck up 😡"

"Huh" Abbacchio said after being yelled at by Bruno like 82 times

"My tummy hurts 😕"

"That's not my problem bruno, go take a pregnancy test or something" said Abbacchio angrilly 😈😈

"Bet" s*id Bruno

Bruno then walked his dumptruck ass over to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test....

After he peed on it it it said POSITIVE!!!! HE IS POSITIVE WITH WASTE OF MONEY IN TUMMY 🥶🥶🥶‼️‼️😈‼️🥶🥶💯

Bruno screamed "POGGERS"

Abbacchio ran in and said "OMG WHAT IS IT LUV 😾😾"

Bruno said "I-I-I-I-I-I-I-l-I-I-I-I-I'm pregnant"

Abbacchio said "swag, let's go see how many puppies are in there"

"Puppies?" Asked Bruno.

"Yeah puppies, I've never told you but I'm half wolf 🐺🐺" said Abbacchio

Bruno was shocked but then said "ok"

They drove to the hospital and the doctor like scanned Bruno's tummy and was like "yup,, you're having twins"

Bruno was like "wow"

80 months later







"THERES 4!!"


"Let's name them all after our other 4 kids just to piss them off" said bruno

"Let's name the ugliest of these after giorno 😡" said Abbacchio

"Ok" said Bruno

Little did they know that giorno jr would take over the world....

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