Bruno really likes Abbacchio 😳

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It's 11:13 am when I started writing this and my brain is really broken rn so skskskksksks enjoy this shit uwu

Abbacchio was lying in bed contemplating shit

He was contemplating the fact that he's legit on a mission to kill boss and the fact that he could die at any moment

And giorno wasn't helping

Giorno, FUcKing Giorno

Then abbacchio thought "The only person keeping me sane is Bruno"

"Bruno's really fucking hot" he thought to himself

"YOu know WhaT? I want some capo dick, so ima get me some capo dick!!!!1!1!1!1"

Abbacchio then just sat up and SwUNG Open his door, cause he knew he would get some capo dick.

As abbacchio walked to the kitchen he saw Bruno making some Eggs like the good Christian mother he is (or used to be ;) )

Then abbacchio said to Bruno "Bruno, give me the S U C C"

Bruno replied with "Abbacchio, not in front of the children!1!1!1!!1"

Abbacchio said "no, I want the succ now"

Bruno sighed "FiIiIiIIiIiIiNeEeEeE"

Bruno jumped onto abbacchio and knocked him down onto the floor

Bruno magically got rid of all of their clothes so now abbacchio and him were butt-ass naked in front of the children.

Abbacchio made a gay Italian goth scream "CHILDREN DON'T WATCH"

But all of the children said "NoOoOOoO"

Bruno all of the sudden said "Abbacchio you wanted the succ lemme give you the succ"

So obviously Bruno gave abbacchio the succ

Bruno thought that abbacchio was very.. TaStY

Anyways at some point Bruno did more GAY with abbacchio *cough cough anal*

And now abbacchios kind of a fucking mess

But a good kind of mess ;)

Thanks for reading this fucking disaster
I need sleep

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