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cai link: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=Wn1gfUnu6GZyWLfQaWAjLctlgL1GiEfMctBWcDDAFyk&source=public-profile-2 



osama is hard-headed and sassy, it was no shocker. due to that it made arguing with him feel like you were arguing with a little toddler baby that wanted food but had to wait. it was 2AM and you were up thinking about how the argument went down, you were still so pissed off and had so much to still say to him but it was finished now.

osama came in the room to take his chain off and saw you sitting on the bed. "sum on ya mind ma?" he asked while looking into the mirror as he took the chain off his neck, his voice sent shivers down your spine when he talked. you stayed quiet and ignored what he had to say. he got on the bed and came closer to you, he moved behind you and sat down, making you sit onto his lap. "turn around mama, im speakin to you." he said. 

you sighed and turned around facing him, your eyes connected with his and they locked together. "you still mad at me mama?" he said as his head tilts up looking at you. his eyes were big as if he was a puppy. his hand straddles your hips as if he wanted you to watch him with what he does you.

you stayed silent and looked away. he looked at your eyes even though they were looked away. his hand moved your head to look at him. "huh? you mad ma heart?" osama said with a smirk that looked like he was gonna laugh. 

you stayed quiet and sat still. osama watched your face stayed straight even when he started to sweet talk you. he leaned forward to your neck and started to kiss on it. he left little unexpected marks on your neck to catch you off guard. 


soon enough you were on top of him and leaned down kissing him. the kisses were long and sloppy, his hand reached onto your neck to hold you in place. the more the kiss grew was the more his breath got heavier. 

his breath hitched and brushed against your mouth. you felt a bit clueless while on top of him, you had no idea what to do and he could tell. he pulled away from the kiss and without asking you he started to flip you over and place you into an ass up face down position.

"take ya clothes off" he said, his new york accent showing as he spoke to you. he started to take his shirt off and the rest and so did you. afterwards he held your hips still and entered you. you moaned and your eyebrows furrowed. osama looked at the back of your head as you moaned because of him. 

his ego was growing as he heard the sounds of you just by him slipping in. he started to go faster and deeper to satisfy you and really make you feel him. "you like that?" he said as he leaned down near to your ear to speak to you while he started to pound you. 

you nodded, you could see his curly hair in the top of your eye. you wanted to feel him. he leaned forward so you could grab onto him and his hair while he pounds you. 

he goes faster into you and started to really put that work in. your hands ran thru his combed silky curls. his hand massaged your nape. he put the side of his face against the side of your head. 

he grunted a bit while he was going in and out of you. you were whimpering and moaning as it went on. you were slurring on your words and moaning. 

"please, dd." you begged. "please what?" he asked as he tilted his head to look at you. "please- fuck." you whined as he continued to fuck you while you tried to talk to him. "please, let me cum." you said. osama smiled, "ma heart i never said you couldn't. let it out baby" he said, encouraging you. 

and by that you came on him, as that happened him going in and out of you started to sound wet and creamy. "good girl." he praised as he pulled out and nutted on your back. 

you looked back at him. "did you just nut on my back." "yeah" he said and laughed.


sry for the quick chapter, was rushin hella caus i needed this out of da way yfm? 

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