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Hitesh Bharadwaj as Dr Aryan Agarwal, A doctor in Sanjeevani Kolkata, Uttara's Husband

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Hitesh Bharadwaj as Dr Aryan Agarwal, A doctor in Sanjeevani Kolkata, Uttara's Husband. They got married 6 months back.

So Story starts-

It was morning, Ragini wakes up in her Hotel room. Just then her mobile rings, it was Kabir doing Video.

Ragini takes it.

Mumma Good morning said Dev from other side

Ragini smiles seeing him, good morning baccha she said.

i miss you, mumma, said dev cutely

awwie mera baccha, mumma misses you to, i will be back soon said Ragini.

Dev started telling her what he did yesterday. Ragini laughs at the talks of her son.

Dev get ready fast, just than they hear Kabir's voice.

Ok mumma now talk to dad , he gave phone to Kabir and ran away to get ready.

Kabir- Dev, but he ran away.

Kabir & Ragini looked at each other , (ofcourse that was awkward they may be married for 3 yrs, may live in same room, but they were nothing more than friends)

Hii , said Ragini & Kabir together .

They smile.

You reached properly asked Kabir.

Yaa, i did. Everyone is ok there, asked ragini

Yep answered Kabir.

They both went silent , thinking what to say.

Kabir- Btw , where is my watch collection, i am not getting it.

Ragini- Ohh that's just in the right cupboard kabir.

He goes and finds it there. Thanks said Kabir.

Ragini smiles.

Ragini- Ok bye, i will be back soon.

As she was about to cut the call,

Kabir- Ragini,

She looks at him.

You know , i will be by your side whenever you will need me. said Kabir.

I know said Ragini.

Bye they cut the call.

Ragini enters the showers.


Ragini was in her flat she rented after coming to Mumbai. Just then there was a knock, she saw the time and thinks who will be there at 9pm.

She opens the door. She found Kabir standing there.

Ragini- Mr Raichand

Can i come in asked Kabir.

Ragini move aside to let him enter, she closes the door.

Please sit. she said.

Kabir sat down.

Kabir- Ragini, i am here to tell you something.

Ragini looks at him.

Kabir- Ragini , mom told me that you said Yes for our marriage, but i need to tell you that more than a wife for myself, i need mother for my son. Honestly i dont know if i will be able to move on from shanaya ever, i may never be able to give you what a wife expects from her husband, for me you will always me my son's mother. May be for world , we may be husband wife but in room we wont be more than friends.

Ragini nods looking at him.

Kabir- Ragini I can promise you that even if you say NO now i have no problem, but if you wanna go ahead with marriage , i promise i will always respect our relationship, i will make sure that whenever you will need me i will be by your side.

Ragini- Thanks for clearing, btw i told your mother something else, about my past.

Kabir- Yaa mom told me, Ragini ,i have no problem with it,everyone has a past, we should not judge anyone from there past. So is your answer still Yes.

Ragini looks at Kabir and says- Yes, i am ready , and i too promise that i will never let dev feel that he is without mother, i know how it feels when someone looses his or her mother. And i will be by your side always.

Kabir smiles and says-ok then.

They shakes hands and Kabir leaves from there.

Flashback over.

Ragini gets out of Shower and gets ready to leave for Sanjeevani hospital.

Ragini reaches Sanjeevani-

Ragini, enters and asks a nurse about Dr Aryan's cabin.

She goes towards it.

She knocks on his cabin.

Come in says a voice.

Ragini enters.

Aryan looks up.

Ragini- Hii, i am Dr Ragini, Ragini raichand.

Aryan - Dr Raichand, glad to meet you.

You can call me Ragini she said.

Aryan smiles, yaa ofcourse, Thanks for coming here on my request said he.

Ragini nods. So how is the patient.

Come , i will show you, said aryan.

They get out of his cabin and go towards one of the wards. They enter and see the patient.

Aryan tells Ragini about the patient and his case.

Ragini looks at the patient and checks him.

His condition is quite critical said Ragini, We have to operate him soon, but before that he should be under observation for nxt 24 hrs.

Yaa, Aryan said.

Ragini- Lets go and discuss it in your cabin, let him rest.

They leave and goes to Aryan's cabin.

Screen freezes.

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