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Ragini was in her hotel room. She look at Jewellery which was there.

What was the need to sale jewellery, should i go to baadi. Thought ragini.

She picks up the phone and look at Kabir's no which was at top. She dialled his number than disconnected it in one ring.

Should i ask Kabir, whether to go or not, as she was thinking, her mobile rings, it was Kabir.

Kabir- Yes Ragini, you called.

Ragini stayed silent.

Kabir- Ragini, anything wrong.

Are you free, asked Ragini.

Kabir could hear that tensed voice inside Ragini.

Kabir- Yes Ragini.

Ragini tells him abt the Jewellery shop Incident, I dont know whether i should go or not, i rally dont want to face my past and i am here just for 2-3 days but...

She was cut off by Kabir, I understand Ragini, you know its hard but they are your family, and if need arises we should help them.

Ragini smiled when he said We.

Ragini- ok , thanks, you know i am clear now.

Always there for you biwi said Kabir.

Ragini smiles. Thanks Husband. She cuts the call.

Ragini takes her purse and Jewellery and goes out of the hotel.

She takes a cab and reaches baadi. As she gets down, she looks at baadi. Everything goes in her head like a film.

She enters baadi and goes towards Gadodia house.

Here inside-

Shekher did you sell those jewellery, asked dadi.

Yes said shekher.

Good now use this money for repair and renovation of shop. said dadi.

But dadi why u sold jewellery , you could have taken it from us said sanskaar who was already there with swara. Dadaji, maa baba, dadi sanskaar is right agreed swara.

Shekher - Nahi beta, we have already taken a lot of help from you guys, after our shop was destroyed due to short circuit you guys helped alot, but we need to do it by ourself, we cant keep on depending on our daughter and son in law.

But baba, said swara

She was cut off by dada ji, Shekher sahi bol raha hai.

Bass swara iss pe aur behas nahi hoga.  said dadi this time.

Swara nods.

I think i and swara should leave, said sanskaar. They take there blessing and leaves, as sanskaar and swara leaves they did not see Ragini who was hiding behind gates and have heard everything.

Ragini- Hamari dukaan jal gayi thhi. oh god.

A tear flows down her eyes but she wipes it. Anyways I dont think i am needed here now, i should leave before anyone sees me.

As she turns she finds Sharmistha standing there in shock.

Ragini , said Sharmistha , who came there to close doors.

Ragini just looked at her.

Hearing Ragini, shekher, dada and dadi too came there.

Laado said dadi and hugs her.

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