I ;First Day Back.

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.Clydes pov.

Today would be the first day back to school, starting 12th grade.
Summer break was boring, yet Craig made it fun over some days. It wasn't everyday but him and I would go out, have sleepovers, or even just lay limp in bed while yapping on call.

Craig and I have been friends for.. How many years now ? I don't even remember. . All I could practically say is we've been friends since Pre-K. We live right next to each other and his parents knew mine.


I finally get up from my cozy covered bed, pulling the thick blanket off of myself. I stretch my arms out wide while sitting at the edge of the bed, getting up and walking towards the rows of drawers that held my clothing.

I had snatched a plain white T-shirt, along with some flared jeans that had been ripped on the knees from the last time I wore them. We're not going to talk about that.. I also grabbed some plain black socks, slipping everything on before also slipping on my red and white coat, 'SP' Being written in a small font next to the zipper. In the back was written 'Clyde Donovan'.
I walked and sat right back down on my bed, grabbing my phone from off the charger. It was barely 6:25AM. I stuffed my phone in my pocket, slipping on my shoes and tying them with a knot before making my way out of the house.

I stopped by Craigs house, knocking on the door with a pattern to it. After a few minutes the front door slipped open, revealing the one guy I hoped for to see. Craig Tucker.


"What's up Craig ," I spoke enthusiastically. Before he could reply I added on, "—ready for the first day of 12th grade?" I put my hands on my hips. Looking at him with a grin stuck to my face.

"Honestly, usually I'm not, but today I'm feeling it." Craig replied. My slow and doltish brain not understanding what he meant by that. We stayed silent for a few seconds before I broke it.
"Well then, lets get going." I spoke as I took his hand in mine, pulling him along with me to the bus stop. He had closed the door behind him before being pulled by me.

When we got to the bus stop, there was Twee and Tolkien there, waiting for the transportation to come. Me and Craig stood near them.


"H..Hgn... Hi!" Tweek managed to phrase, looking towards me and Craig. He waved to us, and so did Tolkien.
Craig's and my hand lost connection to each other as we both waved back. I smile brightly at them as Craig keeps his usual straight face.

We moved in closer and all had a conversation of what we did over the summer. I'm surprised Tweek and Craig even still talk normally to each other. . I mean, they've been together since 4th, am I wrong? Over summer break they had broken up. Maybe it's just me but,, oh well.


When the bus arrived and all four of us got on, I sat next to Craig this time. Tweek sat with Kenny and Tolkien sat with Nichole.
Me and Craig were talking a lot ! Okay well,, Craig wasn't but I was.

School was... fun for first day ? I can't lie I really did like it. 8 classes.. I have at least 4 classes with Craig. I'm gonna include lunch in that so make it 5. Over all, kind of the same. Wake up at 6:00AM, leave at 6:20AM, pick Craig up and go to the bus stop.. Yeah im not gonna go on the whole list but you get it.

Craig and I had planned to go to the mall, so we didn't take the bus and just walked together to the mall. Which was not that far from the high-school.

"Oh.. My.. God!" I gasp, remembering something that I overheard during school. Craig looked over to me with a confused look on his face. "What?" He asked, looking back to the sidewalk we wandered on. "So, I don't know if you already know.. But there's already drama ! Oh and by the way, Kenny and Marjorine got together." I spoke kind of loudly.. besides that though, I didn't know the full drama shit. All I knew was that something about Red and Wendy might happen.. Whatever. Craig ignored the drama part, replying to my last comment. "It was about time. Honestly, I'm not too surprised." Craig let a small chuckle escape after saying that.

I feel like I'm the only one who genuinely makes him laugh.



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