VII ;Best night

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I'm sure it's pretty late for this, 2 days late exactly but here's a little Dec.3 special.


.Clydes pov.

I had gotten home, blah blah. I'm sitting on my bed now, staring at my contacts. I glared at Craigs. "Best bud💙".  I stared before clicking on it. Clicking the call button, hoping he'd answer.

In which he did. I laid back and put on speaker mode. A smile spreading on my face as I rolled on my side to stare at my phone. "Heyy" I slurred. Hearing a chuckle from the other connection then "..Hi Clyde" Craig sighed out.

I chuckled back and our conversation went on. The call lasting hours! And I mean hours..

It was 9:23 now, close to our 'say so' bed times. Even if we don't sleep at that exact time.. Our conversations were long, our time together.. Even if it wasn't physically. It was still amazing.


We both ended up falling asleep on call. It was funny. It honestly did make me happy. Happy to have this type of connection with Craig.

We woke up by 6:10 Or at least I think we both did.. When I woke up he was already awake, I'm surprised he didn't end the call right there and then honestly.

I did my normal, daily morning routine. After I grabbed my phone and cleared my throat "Ey craigslist, I'll be at your house in a quick swiff. Get me a snackk" I spoke, ending the call.

My phone was on the charger all night so it didn't die, I'm sure his was too. I rushed out the house, stopping by Craigs house and knocking aggressively. It swung open and Craig held out a sandwich. "Here" He said with a smile.

I obviously took it, and ate it. It was good, honest. We walked together to school, and honestly yes. I find myself stupid for not realizing at first but Craig did not have his jacket.

I glanced before thinking for a moment, slipping mine off and putting it around him. Sure it was cold but this time I was wearing a long sleeve! (Like it was gonna stop me from getting cold.)

He was confused at first. I was just,, kind of flustered. He soon warmed up to it putting it on properly. I smiled towards him and he smiled back.

I was sure today would be great. At least I hoped for it. I'm sure just hoping for it I'd get it. Eheh..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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