Chapter 7

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Third person (this section just bounces around everyone)

Wrecker had never been good with heights, but as the village Pegla had described to them came into view, he let out a groan. Huts had been built into the sides of trees, with the only access to them being ladders.

"Do we have to go up?" Hunter gave his brother an encouraging shove between the shoulder blades, towards the ladder. Everyone else had gone up and Wrecker was the last one standing on the forest floor. He considered asking for someone to throw him a line and they could pull him up, but then too, he would have to face his deathly fear of heights. "Don't look down." He told himself, but he could feel his confidence plummeting. The ladder was made of nothing but flimsy twigs, held together with dry reeds. Designed to support the weight of a tiny Ewok, sure, but not someone of Wrecker's size.

"I thought you said that he was better with heights." Echo said conversationally as Omega helped pull Wrecker onto the platform.

"This is him better." Hunter pointed out. "Remember him on Skako Minor?"

"Een et manay, duuba lau-ha, limra takka, jarki Trimik Grenooc." Pegla (who was still pulling Aether along with him) babbled, pointing out another of his kind, wearing a skull headdress (complete with colorful feathers) atop his furry head.

Everyone pointedly looked at Tech.

"Pegla would like to introduce us to the chief, Trimik Grenooc."

"Yaa-yaah, bataka." the chief said, a growl in his voice.

"[Can you understand Galactic Basic, Chief Grenooc?]" Tech inquired, adjusting his goggles.

"[Yes I bloody well can. What do you want, strangers. We do not usually permit outsiders access into the village.]"

"[But Chief!]" Pegla but in, "[Can't you see?! The noble Golden One has graced our humble village with their presence!]" Pegla tugged at Aether's pant leg, bringing him to the fore of the group.

"Hi," Aether said. He waved a little.

"[By the Great Tree! It can't be!]" And the chief fell to his knees in prayer and bowed low. "[The Golden one!]"

"Tech," Echo interrupted, "is there a way that you can ask for somewhere to stay."

"[I can understand Basic, O Tehdohr.]" Trimik snapped at Echo and Tech quickly stifled a laugh, fighting to keep a straight face.

"As I understand it, Chief Grenooc just called you Tehdohr, the Lunar Deity."

"This isn't getting us anywhere." Hunter cut in before Echo could say anything he might regret. "Tech, can they understand Basic?"

"Why of course they can."


"Grenooc, Hunter."

"Chief Grenooc, we don't mean any harm to you or your people. My brother only wants to take his... erm... friend on a short research trip, and our shuttle wasn't built to accommodate thirteen people." Trimik sighed, considering something.

"[I cannot deny the Gods lodgings in our humble settling.]"

The Chief waved over an Ewok, and before long they were led towards a hut constructed of bark and twigs. It wasn't very big at all, at least not in height, but the Chief assured them it was the best they had. Then the Ewoks promptly left to do... whatever it was that Ewoks do.

"We're really staying here?" Echo mused.

Next to him, Ganyu promptly passed out.

"I guess we are," he amended.

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