Chapter 2: Staying A Little Longer

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Captain James T. Kirk:

After we met up with Sam, Commodore Paris wanted to meet with me and Bones. We headed into the Yorktown Headquarters and met with Commodore Paris in one of the conference rooms.

"Commodore Paris," I said, giving her a formal smile. She gave me one back and glanced at Bones.

"Captain Kirk, Dr. McCoy. Mr. Spock should be here soon, too, given that this includes him."

"I am right here, Commodore." I turned around and saw Spock walk in behind us. As he joined us at the table, I turned back to Commodore Paris.

"You said you had some important information for us, Commodore?" I asked, folding my hands in front of me. Commodore Paris nodded.

"I do. I am aware of your current five-year mission and taking that into consideration, I am asking you to remain here in Yorktown until Captain Frances and the U.S.S. Navy return from Xamma." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Is there a problem with Captain Frances' ship? They're about to leave, aren't they?" Commodore Paris nodded.

"They are. I am concerned that Xamma may not be as...peaceful as our intel has suggested." Bones stood up, a concerned look on his face.

"You weren't sure about how safe it was and you still sent the Navy into currently uncharted space?" I put a hand on Bones' arm.

"Easy, Bones. Sit down." Commodore Paris made a guilty face.

"I regret to say that I was voted against sending that ship to Xamma.  I am requesting that you stay here until further notice. Should the Enterprise's assistance be required."  Bones narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms as he sat back down.

"So, how are we gonna know when the Navy needs our help?" Bones asked, his voice tense.

"I assume that the ship will send out a distress signal or we will lose contact with them.  Either way, the crew is on its way to Xamma as we speak."

"You should've consulted the crew members and their families before sending them on what could be a suicide mission," Bones growled.  He stood up and turned toward the door.

"Bones..." I started.  He strode out before I could finish speaking.  I glanced at Commodore Paris who gave me a half-smile.

"I was in his position at one point."  I snorted.

"His position?  He, Sam and I have been friends since she came out of cryogenesis." Commodore Paris chuckled softly as she stood up.

"Yes, he may be friends with her, but I am certain it is more than that." I snorted again.

"Bones and my sister? I highly doubt that." I stood up, too, seemingly forgetting that Spock was standing next to me. "Thank you for telling me about Sam's mission. I'll make sure to keep myself available in case the Navy needs me. I'll inform the rest of my crew as well."

Commodore Paris nodded, seemingly understanding. I turned and headed for the door, with Spock at my heels. As soon as we were out the door, Spock spoke up.

"Captain, if I may speak freely?" I glanced at him as we stepped into the elevator.

"Go ahead, Spock."

"While you may find it illogical for Dr. McCoy to have any romantic feelings for Dr. Kirk, I believe it is possible that he could." I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to tell me you understand feelings, Spock?"

"I am trying to say that the suggestion that Dr. McCoy may be romantically interested in Dr. Kirk is not as far-fetched as you may believe it to be. From what I read in her file, Dr. Kirk is brave, selfless, highly intelligent, and compassionate. These are all qualities that humans tend to find attractive in other humans, captain. She is also do you say it? Easy on the eyes?" I shot Spock a look.


"I am simply making a point, sir. I am still involved with Lieutenant Uhura and I do not plan to separate from her any time soon. If need be, captain, I can find you some sources to prove my point." I waved a hand, making a face, as the doors opened.

"No, no, no. I don't need you to tell me what guys find attractive in women. Just...stop talking about this."

A week later, I woke up from a nightmare about my sister. She was in some kind of danger and I couldn't help her. At all. I shook my head and sat up. My heart pounded as I threw my legs over the side of the bed. My legs were sticky with a cold sweat as the nightmare played through my mind again. Commodore Paris was right. Something's wrong. Captain Frances should never have gone on that mission. And she should never have taken Sam with her. I sighed and got up. I'm not going back to bed anytime soon. I headed into my kitchen and grabbed a glass, filling it in the sink. Before I could take a sip, my communicator went off.

"This is Captain Kirk, go."

"Captain, it is Commodore Paris. There's been a problem with the Navy."

"What kind of problem?"

"The ship has gone missing on Xamma. Your sister sent out a garbled distress signal."

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