Chapter 4: Capture

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I tried not to show the fear on my face as "Apollo" led me to my new room.  Why me?  Why'd he have to choose me to be his...consort?  I glanced back down the hallway to look at the bodies of the people he'd killed.  The people I'm leaving behind or couldn't protect.  I'm the captain of the Navy now and I should've been able to protect them.  I glanced down at my wrist communicator and an idea popped into my head.  Good thing Mr. Scott made these right before we left.  They're subtle and hopefully can reach Yorktown.  I waited until we reached my assigned bedroom.

"This will be your room, Dr. Kirk.  Enjoy it while it lasts."  I stepped inside and caught the look he gave me.  It made a shudder run down my spine.  "You'll be staying in my room soon enough."  I snorted.

"I highly doubt it.  I don't generally fall for people who kidnap me and kill most of my friends."  "Apollo" snarled and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"I am a god!  You do what I tell you to!"

Startled, I kneed him between the legs, forcing him to let go.  I stepped back, putting some distance between us, as I glanced around, trying to find something to use as a weapon.  He whirled around and stepped out my door, slamming it shut.  The sound of the lock clicking seemed to echo throughout the room.  As soon as "Apollo" was gone, I tapped my wrist communicator.

"This is Captain Samantha G. Kirk from the U.S.S. Navy.  I'm requesting backup on the planet Xamma.  My crew and I have been captured by someone calling himself Apollo.  He already killed most of us.  We need backup as soon as possible.  Any backup should approach the planet with caution, though.  This Apollo being seems to be—"  Suddenly, I was flung into the wall with a crash.  "Ah!"

I hit the floor with a thud and groaned.  I glanced at my wrist and saw that my communicator had been destroyed when I hit the floor.  I looked up and saw "Apollo" glaring down at me.

"You're mine now, Dr. Kirk.  No one is allowed to know where you are or what you're doing here."  My heart pounded at his words, but I shook my head.

"It's too late.  I sent out a distress signal already, Apollo.  Somebody will come for the rest of us.  When they do, we'll help them stop you and we'll get out of here."  "Apollo" laughed.

"None of you are getting out of here.  And anyone who refuses to cooperate with me suffers the penalty of death.  Do not attempt to contact anyone again."

Then he stormed out, leaving me completely alone in my room again.  How'd he know that I was using my communicator?  The only way for him to have known is for him to, he can't be telling the truth about him being the Greek god Apollo.  There is no way.  The Greek gods don't exist.  I have to find another way to escape and rescue the others.  The ones who are still alive anyway.


"Sam sent out a distress signal?  Can I hear it?"

"Captain Kirk..."

"Commodore Paris, with all due respect, this is my sister we're talking about.  I need to hear it.  What did she say?"

"Come to the headquarters with Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy.  I will play it for you there.  It is better that you hear it in person."

"Fine.  I'll get them both there.  We'll be there in an hour."

Commodore Paris ended the connection seconds later. I sighed as I went back into my room and threw on my clothes. I'm gonna need to tell Bones. He needs to know about this. I picked up my communicator again and contacted Bones.

"Dr. McCoy here."

"Bones, it's Jim.  Something's happened to Sam." There was instant silence on the other end. "Bones."

"Is she alive?"

"She sent a distress signal. Commodore Paris wants to meet with us so we can hear Sam's message." There was a long pause again. Then Bones spoke again.

"I'll meet you there." I heard a click and the connection ended. Now, to tell Spock. I contacted Spock and waited for him to answer.


"Spock, it's me, Jim."

"Has something happened to Dr. Kirk and the U.S.S. Navy, sir?"

"Yeah, Sam sent out a distress message. Something happened. Commodore Paris wants you, me and Bones to hear it at the headquarters."

"I will meet you both there, sir." As soon as I ended the connection, I walked out of my room, heading for the base's headquarters. Commodore Paris was waiting for me in the lobby.

"Commodore," I greeted formally. Commodore Paris nodded and gave me a thin smile.

"Captain. Your First Officer and your Senior Medical Officer will be joining us, yes?" I nodded.

"Yes. As the department heads of the Infirmary and the Bridge, I believe I'll need their insight into this situation." Commodore Paris nodded and glanced behind me. I turned around and saw Spock and Bones walking side by side.

"What did S...Dr. Kirk say in her message?" Bones asked, almost skidding to a stop beside me. Spock stopped on my other side, a cool, emotionless look on his face. Commodore Paris waved her hand and turned toward the turbo lifts.

"Come. I believe it will be better if I play the message for you in private." We all followed her to the communications room, where Commander Finnegan waited for us.

"I have the message queued up and ready to go, Commodore," Finnegan said as we walked in. Everyone in the room stood up in respect to Commodore Paris.

"At ease, everyone. If you could all please clear the room for a few minutes." Everyone but me, Commander Finnegan, Commodore Paris, Bones, and Spock walked out. "Alright, Commander. Play the message." Finnegan nodded and pressed a couple of buttons on the panel in front of him.

"This is Captain Samantha G. Kirk from the U.S.S. Navy.  I'm requesting backup on the planet Xamma.  My crew and I have been captured by someone calling himself Apollo.  He already killed most of us.  We need backup as soon as possible.  Any backup should approach the planet with caution, though.  This Apollo being seems to be—Ah!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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