Jealousy Raid

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Regular POV

You felt something warm on your face, you wanted to move to see what it was, but as you lifted your head, Kirito lightly pushed your head towards his chest. You then closed your eyes and thought, "This was the warm feeling that I've felt all night. I wish this moment would last forever."

After a while both of you got up to get ready for your date, both of you were so excited. Finally, you teleported to the market place, Kirito was hoping to find a dress that matched the ring he got for you. You found this beautiful pale /color/ dress that matched your eyes, and Kirito liked it too because it matched the ring as well. Kirito bought the dress for you, and also bought /flavor/ ice cream for you.

Asuna POV

Why is Kirito on a date with /your name/?!?!?! Well, it doesn't matter who he is with right now because he will end up being mine anyway. I have friend that is an expert at making potions and drugs here in SAO, I'll ask her to make me a love potion that will make him unconscious of what he is doing. All Kirito has to do is take even a sip of it and he will all be mine, he will obey every command I give him.

Your POV

We were walking together on the path towards the meadows, until suddenly a masked man grabbed one of Kirito's arms and managed to make him drink a knockout potion. I tried to call for help, but another man grabbed me and forced the knockout potion down my throat.

Kirito and I woke up at about the same time finding ouselves.........

To Be Continued....

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