Chapter 7

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The First Years we're sitting down on a shrine being quiet thinking about Itadori

Nobara:Hey is this the first time a friend of yours died

Megumi:A classmate yeah

Cha Hae:Really but you seem fine

Megumi:Look who's talking

Cha Hae:I've only known him for two weeks but Nobara-

Nobara:I'm Fine I don't cry over guys like that

Nobara lip begins to quiver as Shirai goes up and hugs her

Y/N stands up and begins to stretch catching the attention of Shirai

Shirai:Y/N what are you doing

Y/N:Im going to go train even though he was a friend I'm not going to mourn everyday over a dead person

Shirai who was still grieving got up from his hug from Nobara and grabs Y/N shoulder


Y/N turns to his brother but only to be met with a punch to the face shocking everyone

Shirai:What the hell do you mean you're not gonna mourn Itadori was our friend how can you say

Y/N was still being quiet but everyone in attendance noticed how the curse mark began to spread over Y/Ns face

Y/N quickly yokes Shirai up and holds him in the air

Y/N:You seem to forget that we're jujutsu  sorcerers and people die idk why you can't get that through your head but I'm going to give you a reality check

Y/N suddenly lets go off Shirai before throwing a punch into his brothers gut sending him into the forest

Cha Hae:Y/N stop

Nobara:Chill out you two

Megumi:Don't interfere with this it's a brothers fight

Cha Hae and Nobara:But-

Megumi:Even if you did interfere you couldn't stop them

Nobara and Cha Har went quiet as Y/N ran after Shirai

*With the L/N brothers*

Shirai stands up as he sees Y/N infront of him with his leg raised and before he can do anything Y/N slams his leg onto Shirais head sending the white haired male into the ground

Y/N quickly grabs Shirais leg and throws him through a tree before slamming him face first on the ground

Shirai gets up and tries to throw a punch  which almost connected but

Shirai gets up and tries to throw a punch  which almost connected but

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