Chapter 14

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(SPC = Special Grade Curse)

Senji dashed at the special grade curse and swung his red and black sword but the SPC blocked this however Senji uses his white sword to try and stab this special grade

The SPC curse jumps away but Senji throws both of his swords towards the curses head and where it was going to land

Senji knew that the his swords wouldn't kill The SPC however he threw them so they could do some damage however the Special Grade stabbed its sword into the ground before using its arm to launch itself into the air effectively evading the attack Senji sent

Even though Senji's first attack didn't work he expected this from a special grade and summoned his bow before shooting multiple arrows at the SCP

The Arrow fly to the special grade curse and explode leaving a cloud of smoke as the special grade curse fails down onto the ground

The special grade curse dashes out of the smoke and grabs his sword before running at Senji

Senji de-summons his bow and summons his swords again

The SPC begins to send various types of slashes at Senji who managed to block with a little bit of trouble

The SPC slashes his sword down Senji blocked however the curse sprit didn't stop as it continued to swing it's sword down making sure Senji was stuck blocking

The Special grade slams his sword onto Senji's sword one more time before quickly kicking the red haired male in his ribs sending flying through 2 trees

Senji stops flying back as he slams into the 3rd tree with force

Senji:(Damn he really hit me hard but aside from that he used his strength to continuously strike me before taking advantage of my weakness which means that it has the intelligence equivalent to a human)

Senji sweats a little as he sees the SPC running towards him

*With Y/N*

Y/N was standing across from a knight wearing all black armor but he looked a little similar to Igris

Y/N:(This curse looks like Igris and if it's like Igris then it's weak spot is its eyes and neck)

Before Y/N could act The Black Armored Knight dashed at the black haired L/N and slammed him into the ground

(TBAK = The Black Armored Knight)

TBAK picks Y/N up and throws him into a tree

TBAK runs over to Y/N and unleashes a barrage of punches which make Y/N go flying through the tree

Y/N skids back and summons multiple shadow soldiers in hopes that it slows down the charging black armored knight

Y/N:(Damn his strength is incredible but he has a similar build to Igirs which means that his weakness is probably his eyes)

TBAK makes easy work of the soldiers as Y/N has them return

TBAK gets close to Y/N and throws a punch however the black haired L/N dodged and summoned his demon dagger before quickly thrusting towards TBAK's neck

TBAK caught Y/N's wrist and punched the shadow sorcerer in his face which sent his back into the ground with force

TBAK tries to stomp on Y/N's head but the black haired L/N dodges before sweeping the TBAK's leg

TBAK flips away which allows Y/N to stand up but the black haired L/N didn't expect the black armored knight to be right in his face with his fist winded back

Y/N only had enough time to raise his arms to block as TBAK sent Y/N back again

Y/N quickly summon a shadow sword and stabs it into the ground but TBAK was already in front of Y/N and kicks the black haired L/N away

TBAK grabs the shadow sword that Y/N stabbed into the ground and once the black armored knight held it

TBAK dashes at Y/N and swung the sword down at the shadow sorcerer who summoned his demon daggers and blocked the swing

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TBAK dashes at Y/N and swung the sword down at the shadow sorcerer who summoned his demon daggers and blocked the swing

TBAK applied more strength as Y/N's feet got placed into the ground

The black armored knight tries to throw a kick at Y/N but the black haired L/N jumped over the kick before spinning in the air and slamming his demon daggers into the ground

TBAK raised his sword and blocked Y/N's attack but the black haired L/N suddenly kicks TBAK's head back

TBAK wobbled back a bit as Y/N lands on the ground

Y/N:(My cursed energy seems to be back at a normal level but fighting this knight is gonna make need at least Igris)

Y/N summoned back Igris to his shadow as TBAK ran at Y/N

TBAK swung multiple slashes at Y/N who managed to block some of them however 3 of the slashes managed to connect with Y/N's thigh,shoulder and forearm

Y/N grits his teeth in pain as he tried to back away but the TBAK chased after the dark haired L/N

Y/N and TBAK began to clash swords

TBAK began to attack with more ferocity which made Y/N stay a bit on the defensive but the black haired L/N also tried to throw in some attacks

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TBAK began to attack with more ferocity which made Y/N stay a bit on the defensive but the black haired L/N also tried to throw in some attacks

Y/N and TBAK clashed swords as the two backed away

The Shadow Sorcerer summoned both Iron and Igris

Y/N:Alright all this fighting is tiring me out so let's hurry up and finish this

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Y/N:Alright all this fighting is tiring me out so let's hurry up and finish this

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