Chapter 11

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Shirai punches Todo in his stomach before kneeing him in his nose

Todo swings at Shirai but Shirai ducked but Todo at the same time raised his leg resulting in Shirai getting kicked back 

Shirai skid back but punches his arm into the ground before making teeth from cursed energy and having it try to bite Todo

Todo claps his hands and switches place with a rock

Shirai sees this and pulls arm out of the ground

Shirai:(His cursed technique must be switching places with things so that makes this a lot more complicated)

Shirai creates spikes of cursed energy and launches them at Todo

Todo claps his hands and switches with rock behind Shirai but Shirai turns around quickly and punches Todo in the face sending him into a tree

Todo was in shock as Shirai was the first person in since his Sensei to counter boogie woogie

Shirai:You're cursed technique is swapping places with things I assume you can do it to other creatures or objects beside yourself

Todo:Hehehehehehe you managed to figure out my technique just off me using it twice that's impressive but you're holding back aren't you

Shirai:And what would you do if I told you I was

Todo:I feel disrespected as your besto friendo I urge you to fight me with 100% of your power

Shirai:*signs*Fine this fight was gonna go nowhere any way

Shirai then enters his Cursed Wrath mode and immediately Todo felt Shirai's cursed energy increase

Todo:Looks like this is getting more interesting

As soon as Todo finished those words Shirai was already in front of him with his fist winded back and Todo could only withstand the vicious punch Shirai delivered

Shirai jumped in the air and summoned 8 spikes and launches 1 at Todo which confused him

Todo claps his hand and switches places with Shirai but Shirai had planned for this and the red spike dissolved in-front of Shirai as the red cursed energy was absorbed right back into Shirai

Todo realized his mistake as the other 7 spikes began to attack him

Todo imbued his hand with cursed energy and began to deflect the spikes but even when deflected they still kept going after him

Todo claps his hands as Shirai and Todo swap back to their original spots but what happened to the first spike happened with the other 7 as they dissolved before hitting Shirai and were absorbed through his skin

Shirai landed down and summoned more spikes as Todo realized Shirai had a perfect counter to his boogie woogie

Todo:(Damn this is actually quite the pickle my besto friendo put me in he launches 1 or multiple spikes at me and if I swap places the spike that were going to attack me dissolve into his skin and the other remaining spikes attack me)

For the second time in Todo's life he was actually nervous

Shirai launched 4 spikes at Todo which made the swapping sorcerer imbue his hands with cursed energy

Todo deflects one of the spikes but the three other spikes go off in different directions as an attempt to confuse Todo which worked

Todo dodged two spikes and jumped over the third but Shirai was already in the air and slammed his foot onto Todo's head which sent the Kyoto student spiraling down

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