Chapter 23: Old Wounds

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(Flashback To Katsu'ss Childhood)

It was a long hard fought day for Little Katsu. He had just finished his up and coming school work. He was enrolled at one of the exclusive schools in the underworld. His sister Rias was also enroller but being older than Katsu she was in the year above him so they didn't see each other much in school. Katsu was tired from the long day and began to walk home. However the worst case scenario happened. 3 of the most notorious and horrific school bullies blocked his exit. They were part of the 4 top students in the whole academy (Rias being the other one) and naturally as Katsu was a lot younger than them, and him being part Nekoshou, this lead to a lot of teasing and bullying. But today would be the turning point

"Hey look its the filthy feline Auichi. Don't you know its not safe to leave these school grounds on your own?"The loud and abrasive Mari teased as she encouraged the other 2 students to back her up. They both approached Katsu with exaggerated swagger and entitlement. This caused Katsu to shiver a little in fright. The little guy hated anything to do with confrontation, choosing rather to keep to himself and avoid most of the limelight. It seemed today however, that he was out of luck.

"How did a lesser being like yourself end up in this school anyway? Lemme guess did you have to suck off the principle to get enrolled?" Kenji added in a vile voice. This got him a lengthy kiss from his girlfriend Sophia. Katsu gagged as Their kiss deepened. They eventually separated and both spat on Katsu. This caused him to speak up, beyond annoyed with what they just said.

"Hey shut up! No i got enrolled like everyone else in this school. And don't talk to me that w-" Katsu began before he was slapped in the face by the third person. Falling hard to the ground and scraping his knees, Katsu stared up at the person who delivered such a nasty and uncalled for blow.

"You don't have the right to speak up to us devils you feline scum! You're kind is not welcome here!" Chisato the final bully added. Katsu growled in frustration and unconsciously let out his Nekoshou features. Which caused them to erupt in laughter. This brought forth a crowd of other students who were leaving the class. Each of the students either laughed and pointed at Katsu, tossed some of their leftover paper or food onto him or they took photos of him for later bullying purposes. Clenching his left fist tightly, Katsu tried to calm himself down the best he could. But they... Were relentless.

"HAHAHAHA Look guys the wittle cry baby kitten is angy at us? What's the matter huh? Don't have a mommy or daddy to come save you? Are you a little orphan Katsu?" Mari added. The rest of the students began to laugh along with Sophia. Katsu's biological mother's life was covered up as to prevent further harm to his family. Which inadvertently lead to a awful rumour spreading that Katsu was an orphan taken in by Rias's family. 

"I might be an orphan, but at least I got here fair and square, unlike your Dad who paid the school off to have you here!" Katsu retorted back, playing along with the idea that he was an orphan. This caused Sophia to pause and think about what he said. It was true that her dad paid off the school, in fact she had been banned from several schools before this due to her bad behaviour and violent tendencies. But who would believe Katsu here? She was a girl, and she was a pure Devil, far from being as bottom of the barrel as a half breed Nekoshou. 

"Fair and square? Little bro, if it wasn't for Rias coming in and saving your ass. You would have been dead and in a ditch by now, what are you talking about fair and square?" Kenji added, this caused the crowd behind him to cheer and *Whoooooooooo*  at his insult. 

"Actually. Rias isn't here today is she? You better be careful little kitten, one wrong word and I'll make sure you remember the pecking order" Chisato continued as she retrieved a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. She took a drag from it, before turning to Kenji and giving him one.

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