Get Me Out Of This Hell !

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Why Me?

They confine me..

in this white room...

They strap me down ..

so I won't injure anyone...

My parents let them take me..

They just left me here..

Here in this ... this



"It's time for


wake up.."

The doctor unstraped me

from my bed.

He led me to the therapy room..

I hate that room..

It's all white..

There are chairs..

some children sit there..

in straight jackets..

some don't ...

Luckily I don't ...

They don't think I'm THAT insane..


The session started..

"Okay everyone...

we have someone new in the class..

his name is Jack..

now please be nice to him.."

The nice nurse lady smiled

at everyone.

She turned and looked at the door...

This boy Jack walked in...

He was ... Beautiful...

He took my breath away...

Maybe this hell would be

somewhat better...

as long as he was here.

The nurse started talking again.

"Today we will partner up...

I want you all to talk about yourselves..


tell eachother why you are here..

Now Jack ...

since both you and

Night are new, you can

be partners..."

She pointed to me ...

Jack walked over and sat down...

Razorblades Kill {Book 1} [BoyxBoy] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now