Let's Get Outta Here ...

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**Night's P.O.V**

I woke up...

someone was

calling my name..

"Night ...

Hey Night !

Wake up!"

It was Jack.


I ask sleepily.

"I'm gonna get you outta here..

we are gonna escape

tonight ...

Just you and me ...

so get up.."

My arms and legs

weren't tied down anymore..

I got up...

still kinda drowzy from

the drugs

given to me..

I got my stuff...

a followed Jack..

He had a map of this place..

he must have been

planning this even before

he came here ...

He found a cellar door..

"No one ever goes down there..

we will be safe..

It's our only way out.."

I nodded

and followed.

It was dark and damp..

it was actually kinda nice..

and before I knew it ...

we were out side...

free at last..

Now what was there to do ...

I was free to die ...

free to kill ...






Razorblades Kill {Book 1} [BoyxBoy] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now