The Untold Story ... ** Jack **

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**Jacks P.O.V**

I witnessed it ...

They drugged him ...

That sweet boy ...

Why did they do it...

"Get over here

you freak!"

The man taking me back to

my room yelled.

I followed...

I didn't want to get

on his bad side..

It was only an hour ago

that I met Night ...

I think ...

It was Love at

first sight...

That made me think ...

think of why I was sent here ...

** 1 Week Ago **

My headphones

were blasting in my ears...

I was listening to

Black Veil Brides...

Perfect Weapon...

Sure I was supose to be

in school ...

But what's the point ?


Thinks I'm a freak ...

First of all ...

I'm Emo..

Second of all...

I'm Bipolar...

And Finally...

I'm Gay ...

I Get beaten up

because I'm different ..

The only person that really loves me ...

is my mother...

But soon enough I will

find out the truth ...


I walk into my kitchen ...

my mother is standing there ...

talking to my Step-Father...

I hate him ...

Fucking Asshole...

When he saw me ...

He frowned.

My mother smiled

sweetly at me ...

"I'm off to work.."

He kissed my mother


And glared at me...

That's when it all went down hill...


"Sweety ...

We need to talk ...

Have a seat."

We sat down

at the dinning room


She smiled at me ...

"Honey ...

both John and I think you need somehelp ...

we think ... you should go ...

to and Insane Asylum ..."

I was stunned...

the only person that EVER

understood me ...

was sending me away ...


I yelled

standing up real fast..

knocking the chair over.

"Honey ...

It's for your own good.."

"Don't fucking lie!

It's NOT what you want ...

It's what

John wants!"

I screamed

tears in my eyes.

"Honey ...

come here...

lets just talk about it ..."

"NO! I don't wanna

Fucking talk about it !


I dropped down to the

ground and sobbed..

It HATE that man ...

He changed my mother ...

but she always believes him...

I HATE her too ...

She kneeled down

beside me...

"It's all gonna

be okay ..."

She put her

arm around me ...

"NO! It won't be okay ..!

It will NEVER be okay !

Just leave me ALONE !"

I yelled,

punching her in the stomach..

She fell back.

I got on top of her

and started punching ...

Til I felt no more pain..

Til she was dead...


John isn't home yet ...

That give me just enough time ..

to die...

I cut ...


While I was dying ..

I wrote on the wall in






Then everything faded away ...

I woke up

in a hospital room...

Now I was definatly gonna

be sent to an asylum ...

Just ... Great ..

**Present Time**

I got to the room,

The big man locked

the door behind me ..

I stumbled over to my bed..

I sat and I cryed...

until I fell



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