01 - A Kid Blows Up A Toilet

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'It's not enough that they're powerful and omnipotent, they need to feel appreciated'

Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena sat in between two beds. One of them held Percy Jackson, a young demigod who had seemingly fought the infamous Minotaur the previous night. He had been unconscious ever since, in and out of his sleep-like state. She had helped Grover, Percy's satyr protector in helping Percy heal. Feeding him ambrosia and nectar, the food of the Gods.

On the other was a girl, she seemed to be seventeen at first glance, Annabeth was good at guessing the ages of others. The girl wore clothes similar to those in the early 20th century. Her hair was short, resting at the tips of her shoulders. A necklace made up of thick twine, two Celestial Bronze pearls on either side and a seashell in the middle was placed around her neck by some of the daughters of Apollo who found it in her hand.

Annabeth found her collapsed outside the Poseidon Cabin when campers were alerted by Percy's feat of victory. Her clothes were soaked and replaced by an official Camp Half-Blood t-shirt in the usual obnoxious orange and a pair of jeans from the Big House's spares.

Annabeth watched as the girl stirred in her sleep, her hands twitching and her face gently changing. Demigod dreams were horrible, an occupational hazard of all demigod lives since the beginning. "Stop...stop...you can't...you can't have her" the girl muttered, her whole body waking. Thunder boomed outside, echoing across camp. Like magic, the girl shot up looking around frantically.

Her soft brown eyes met Annabeth's, her breaths laboured. "Where am I?" She asked her, looking around slower this time. The room was familiar but she couldn't pinpoint it. "Camp Half-Blood. You know what that word means right?" Annabeth explained slowly. The girl looked at Annabeth suspiciously. "Of course I do. But this isn't Camp. I've been here before" She stated, making Annabeth frown.

"I've been here for five years and I've never met you. I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. And you are?" Annabeth asked her. The girl looked confused but answered nevertheless. "Cordelia Cesel, but you can call me Corey" she answered before Percy began to stir.

Annabeth stood up, looking down at him with her arms crossed. His eyes opened slightly. "You drool when you sleep" She told him. Percy seemed to be half awake and only said, "Huh?" before his head fell back into the pillow.


Annabeth gave Corey a jacket made of denim and soft fabric, which seemed to interest her greatly. "This is amazing! It doesn't itch or have that tweed feeling" Corey gushed as they walked out of the infirmary. "Yeah, it's amazing" Annabeth answered bluntly as she opened the door to a room that was very much like a patio. Plants filled the spaces along with candle holders and yellow chandeliers . At a round table sat a man in a tiger print silk shirt. He had dark hair that looked like he was electrocuted and his eyes were covered with sunglasses.

He looked at Annabeth and Corey like they'd slapped him in the face. "What do you want Annabelle" He grumbled, taking off his sunglasses and folding his arms. Annabeth rolled her eyes at him. "This is Corey, the girl that washed up on camp" Annabeth told him, wishing Chiron was here instead. She turned back to Corey, "Corey meet–"

"Mr D, still running Camp I see" Corey smirked at him, walking past Annabeth completely. The girl looked at Corey with wide eyes. Mr D looked up at Corey, "Am I supposed to know you or something?" He asked her. "Cordelia Cesel?" She spoke urgently. Mr D shrugged at her, not taking a moment to remember.

Corey let out a long sigh, "I mixed strawberries and water and gave them to you in a wine bottle when you tricked some little kids to give you real wine" She tried to jog his memory . Mr D seemed to have some recognition. "Cora Colonel!" Mr D clapped his hands at her. Corey seemed to drop her shoulders at the name. "So close" She mutters under her breath.

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