14-Father-Daughter Talks

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Corey remembers her first visit to Olympus, she was ten years old when Chiron allowed her and Helena to join the yearly Winter Solstice field trips. Only she and Helena were made to stay far away from the Gods, specifically their fathers. It was when the Empire State Building had been declared as the new bridge to Olympus after its unusual change in 1931.

Percy and Corey stood outside the massive building, the older one covering her ears at the noise of the busy city. "How do you live like this?" Corey winced at her brother. Percy shrugged at her, "You get used to it" He told her before walking inside the building. The lobby was packed with tourists, young school children and staff.

Percy marched right up to the front desk, the man behind it not even looking up at the siblings. "Tour starts by the sign" He spoke in a monotone voice. Corey and Percy shared a look. "Not here for the tour" Percy told him as he unzipped his bag. Percy placed the Master Bolt on the table with a metallic thud. "We're here to see Zeus" Corey added as the man looked up in slight fear.

The elevator ride was...different to say the least. Corey was biting her lips so hard to draw blood as her foot tapped endlessly against the metallic ground. "Seashell" Percy nudged her softly. Corey looked at him dazed, "I'm fine Sea Pup'' Corey told him, seeing the look on his face. "You're worried...about Zeus" Percy suggested, he had only seen that face twice on their quest, when he was poisoned by Echidna and the Chimera and when he challenged Ares outside the diner.

Corey looked away from Percy, "Not Zeus...do you remember why I hijacked this quest of yours?" She asked him as the elevator pinged with each floor they passed. Percy thought for a moment, "To protect us on the quest" He answered. Corey shook her head, "To protect you. Even before you were claimed...I felt connected to you" Corey explained to him softly.

"I promised Chiron to protect you...whatever happens from now on, you are going home to your mom" Corey told him as the elevator doors opened. Percy looked at the home of the Gods in awe. "Wow" He was lost for words. Corey, however, was getting looks from the many elemental nymphs and minor gods.

"This way Sea Pup"


Corey felt her whole body tremble as they made their way to the God's Council. As they walked up the steps, the only throne to be seated was one of the King of the Gods. Zeus. He sat there, his face morphed in every negative emotion one could think of. The sounds of thunder and lightning echoed in Corey's ears.

The both walked towards him in silence, Percy taking the bag off his shoulders and took out the Master Bolt. Zeus walked towards them, his every step sending chills down Corey's spine. He had changed his form since she last saw the King of the Gods, but no matter what skin or form he took, Corey knew that even she wasn't brash enough to defy him.

Percy held out the Master Bolt to its...Master. Zeus took hold of it, a sense of balance restored as he did. "I didn't steal it. Neither did my sister. Neither did any of my friends" Percy stated. "We found it. We got it back. We tried to get it to you on time, but–"

"You failed" Zeus interrupted him, raising an eyebrow. Percy gulped, subconsciously grabbing Corey's hand. "Yes. I did" Percy agreed as Corey squeezed his hand softly. "But I had to come. I had to tell you who did steal it. It was Kronos" Percy explained to Zeus. He looked at the siblings wary at the mention of the Titan before turning his back on the siblings and walking away. "He's behind all of it. He's emerging from Tartarus, or trying to. He's gathering strength and he's coming for all of you" Percy tried to warn him as his voice got angrier with every word, only the God didn't seem to care.

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