13-My Baby Brother Picks A Fight With The God Of War

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'Sore loser'

Cordelia sat on the edge of a small pier, her toes hovering over the lake. Wind gently blew her long dark hair as the stars danced in the sky. Her sandy skin glowing in the moon's light as her tears glistened.

"I thought I'd find you here"

Cordelia bit her lip as Helena sat next to her. "Go away" Cordelia whispered, looking at the water as it reflected the night sky. "I never wanted to hurt you C, you know that" Helena looked at her only friend, a girl who she had unexplainable feelings for. Cordelia looked back in pain, her eyes red from crying as her lip quivered. "But you still left, you left Helena" Cordelia sobbed, bringing her knees to cover her face.

Helena rested her head against Cordelia's shoulder, tears slid down her warm ivory skin. "You are too good for this world" Helena's voice was soft as her hands ghosted next to Cordelia's. The daughter of Poseidon turned her head slightly, her sand coloured eyes peering in Helena's direction. "Every challenge you face, all the curses and blessings...the enemies, you never let them stop you from being a good person" Helena continued, her pinky interlocking with Cordelia's.

Cordelia shook her head. "Stop...stop please just..." Corey gasped as her body went rigid. Helena held both her cheeks in her hands, "We are Forbidden kids, we don't get happy endings not like Perseus" Helena was more serious now, her stormy eyes piercing Cordelia's sandy coloured ones. "You're gone, this isn't real...none of this is real" Cordelia clenched her fists, her nails digging through her skin.

Helena's hands gripped over Cordelia's, "C...I..." Helena looked at her sorrowfully. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry for everything...If I had just been brave enough to say it...to tell you" Helena tried to explain to Cordelia, only the daughter of the sea didn't listen. "We had a promise...don't you remember? If one of us ended up like they said, the other would kill us so it never came true...instead you get yourself killed, leaving me to be...to be the only one that passed sixteen" Cordelia edged closer to the water, her feet fully submerged.

"I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am"

Cordelia looked at her, "You're dead...there is no explanation, no apologies. If it's me...then it's me" She glared at the ghost, the lake becoming aggressive with her. The waves still momentarily, almost glitching as Helena's ghost froze. "Corey..." She dragged out as her body became transparent.

"Cordelia!" Helena's voice was drowned with darker one. "Look at you" a dark voice spoke, sending chills down Corey's spine. But no one was there, she was alone. Helena's ghost had faded with the morning mist. A cold chill ran down her cheek, like someone had gotten an icicle and had caressed her cheek with it. "All alone... no mother...no child...no hope" the voice made a pop sound as it pronounced hope. Corey felt her either body squeeze together, failing to claw at the invisible force as tears began to fall. "You shall be perfect... you will be the key Cordelia Cesel, daughter of Poseidon" it continued.

Corey whimpered. It was the only sound that left her lips as she felt her body drop abruptly. She swore her bones had shattered as she felt sand under her hands. She turned to see a dark pit. "Just enter dear child...Follow my voice and find her...find your daughter". It was so tempting. Corey could hear Elise's laugh, feel her small arms wrap around her neck.

"NO!" a warm voice boomed from behind Corey. Her body became heavier, the water rising up as the lake's water suffocated Corey's body. She felt her eyes grow heavy as the sun faded the deeper she sank until her back hit the bottom of the lake. She felt a warmth on her cheek, contrasting the cold one she had received moments before.

"Now you are safe, my daughter. Until it's time for you and for the prophecies"


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