(1) Meeting the Boyfriend (part 1)

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Ren Amamiya was anxious

The former leader of the Phantom Thieves that had swept the nation by storm was a master of holding his composure. Both Ren Amamiya and Joker kept themselves held high as they battled the world that tried to keep him down. Even through his fake glasses as he held his head down, Ren didn't allow himself to fall victim to people's opinion of him.

Unless that person was Sae Niijima.

Sae was a kind woman. A flawed one, Ren knew, but kind. He got to know quite a bit about the woman from their few interactions, and especially with thieves' time in her palace. She was a dedicated woman almost to a fault, to the point it distorted her heart to such a state that she even turned against her sister. The two were rather close Ren had learned since meeting Makoto. She'd told him all about her sister and their strained relationship. Thankfully it had begun to heal after Sae's heart was stolen, but that didn't mean the two were on perfect terms again.

Ren started dating Makoto soon after they had taken down Kaneshiro, and with that came some ground rules from the student council president. The one Ren remembered best, however, was always regarding Sae.

Makoto's sister couldn't know they were dating.

Makoto had made that fact very clear to Ren after they'd gotten together. At the time, Ren understood completely. Their relationship already on shaky ground, he didn't want Makoto and Sae to have a falling out because of him. So, for months, the two kept their involvement a secret. Ren didn't want Sae to think his record would negatively impact Makoto.

He cared too much for Makoto for that. Even if the two had started out on rough terms, he'd found himself infatuated by her. Her intelligence and fighting skill were nothing to scoff at, but he had grown to learn she was also incredibly caring and kind. When they'd gotten together, he couldn't imagine being happier than right then, and their dates, though secretive, always brought him joy being with the person he loved.

Even still, it was surprising when Makoto offered Ren to finally meet her sister as her boyfriend. Ren was unsure, but Makoto was nothing if not persistent. Which is what led to him standing outside the Niijima's apartment on a cold February evening, pre-made curry in a case in his hands he made for dinner with the sisters.

'Alright Amamiya, here goes nothing!'

Ren knocked on the door and waited. After a few minutes, the apartment door opened to reveal a strangely casual Sae Niijima. Ren couldn't remember a time she didn't wear her signature suit, instead opening the door in a black turtleneck and jeans.

"Oh, Amamiya-kun. I was wondering when you would arrive. Come in," Sae directed, to which the former thief obliged. He slipped his shoes off and offered the curry to Sae.

"Good evening Niijima-san. Thank you for having me over tonight. I-I brought some curry."

"Ah, thank you. Truth be told, Makoto was the one who told me about you coming over. Didn't think she wanted her study partner for dinner of all things."

Ren's face froze for a second, pondering Sae's words. It did seem rather odd now that he thought of it. For all Sae knew, he was just Makoto's friend from school showing up to have dinner with them. Makoto had told him she brought it up to Sae and she seemed fine with it, but he remained cautious.

"Hey sis, where'd you-oh, Ren! I...didn't hear you come in." Ren turned to see his girlfriend, smiling at her. She gave a small smile back as a blush crept its way to her cheeks. He waved to her as she followed him and Sae, the three moving to start on dinner.


"So Makoto, why'd you want to have Ren-kun over? You said you two wanted to tell me something?" Sae asked as the three ate their food.

Makoto and Ren looked at each other, a light blush spreading across the boy's face as the girl went beet red.

"W-well, yes. We d-did have something t-to tell you," Makoto managed to stutter out. Ren always liked how flustered she could get, but knew he should probably step in.

"Y-y-you see, Ren and I..."

"I'm Makoto's boyfriend."

All eyes instantly flew to Ren as he sat at the table, his head down slightly and a massive blush covering his face. Makoto looked at him with both admiring and horror at what he'd just said. Ren looked up to see Sae's reaction, fearing for his safety as he did so.

But where he expected to see anger or confusion, he saw a small smile across the elder Niijima's face. He had thought she'd be furious, trying to run after him and throw him right back in juvie, but here she was, half-full plate of curry, smiling at him. He dropped the spoon he'd been holding.

"Um, N-Niijima-san?"

Sae shook her head and looked back at the two confused teens, her smile still showing itself on her face, albeit beginning to fade into something more serious.

"It's nothing Ren-kun. Just me thinking. I take it you only got together recently?"

"W-well, actually...we've been dating for...a couple...months," Ren admitted, squinting his eyes as he prepared for the worst, but it never came. Sae's smile dropped completely at that, her spoon falling back into the curry on her plate and she now looked at him with that same determined look she wore in the courtroom. It felt like he was back in the interrogation room all over again.

"I see. And you're only telling me now because..?" Sae questioned. Ren looked to Makoto sheepishly, who nodded as she took over.

"W-well, sis, the thing is...We didn't know how you'd react. It was a...difficult time and I didn't want you thinking bad of him because of his record."

"A-and I didn't want to come between you two. We're sorry Niijima-san, but we needed to be sure we could continue our missions as the phantom thieves, and we couldn't risk it."

Sae looked at the two with intent, glaring at Ren with her piercing red gaze, before she stood up and walked over to the two. Makoto stood up and in front of Ren, as if shielding him from her sister's wrath.

"Sis, please, you-"

Makoto was stopped as Sae took the younger girl into a tight hug. Makoto's brain felt as if it was short circuiting and her face heating up to a boiling point of embarrassment. She couldn't remember the last time Sae had hugged her like that.

"Oh Makoto, I'm sorry. Yes, I wish you'd told me earlier, but I suppose you had your reasons. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed it. Just know that if you need anything else, I'm here for you, baby sis." Sae finished her promise with another hug, Makoto showing signs of tears as she hugged her sister back. Ren shifted in his chair slightly as Sae whispered something to Makoto, the younger sister walking away with a nod and a mouthing 'good luck' to Ren before departing the table.

"So, Ren-kun. I feel the need to ask."

"U-um, s-s-sure Niijima-san. W-what is it?" Ren asked, nervous as to what the woman would say to him. Sae leaned on the table as she stared down at him, that determination obvious in her crimson eyes.

"What are your intentions with my sister?"

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